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Ann Arbor Real Estate buys on the block are being swapped up with multiple offers to purchase. Remember those days? It was not long ago, that we all had to stop, look and listen when it came to ethically negotiating with Multiple Offers. So, why are we struggling with this now? I have had some really hideous experiences with listing agents recently in regards to Multiple Offers. I must admit, the poor behavior of these agents has prompted me to write this article to the consumer regarding the proper, top drawer way to handle a Multiple Offer Situation on your property should you have been in a fortunate enough position to be the Best Buy on the Block.
In my experience of working with foreclosed homes as an asset manager, marketer and listing agent, I was taught by the best in business how to remain fair and respectful in dealing with a Multiple Offer situation on a "Hot Property". Read more to review and remember this great information on CREATING A WIN WIN contract with Multiple OFFERS. Read More