If you're a REALTOR®, Broker, or an Agent and member of ActiveRain, this is a MUST READ! Last month, over 100,000 consumers searched ActiveRain for Real Estate in specific cities using the "Search For Homes" feature. I was just in a meeting with Bob Stewart and Doug Ching going over the stats and analytics reports. Folks, this is no joke, consumers flock to AR and used this tool in their quest for finding homes.
So why is this so important and why should you care? We've discovered that most of our Agent and REALTOR® members DO NOT have "Hit Router" Campaigns setup. That means these searches are NOT going to your IDX lead generating sites. WOW, look at these numbers and stats. I'm sharing this with you because while you are out there searching for tools to better your SEO and Blog, consumers are searching our network interested in homes in your area, and in most cases, we have very few members with campaigns setup in these areas.
And the list goes on and on and on... in fact, there are 600+ cities that had more than 100 searches.
If you're a REALTOR® member here, please don't miss out on this crucial opportunity to take advantage of the Hit Router Campaigns that each of you have access to. If 487 people searched San Diego last month for "Homes For Sale" and not a single member has a campaign setup there, this means those possible leads are lost to another company that may in fact be selling them off.
The key to making this work for you is:
#1 - Setting Up Your City Search Campaigns, and
#2 - Making sure you have a good lead capture IDX site where this traffic will land.
After researching some pay per clicks sites out there, Brokers and Agents are paying upwards of $3.00 per click to capture these leads from other sources like Google. AR campaigns start at .49 cents per click. I can't emphasize enough the value and gold mine you're sitting on here. Please take a few moments to look into this, the urgency here is that if our members aren't interested and don't take advantage of these "campaigns" fairly soon, they will end up being sold to the larger companies who are already willing, able and want to capitalize on these Clicks.
ActiveRain members need to be aware of this while you have the opportunity to jump on it. This is HUGE!! We want our members to get first shot at directing these home searches to your IDX sites, and will do everything we can to get this information out there to every REALTOR®. Bob Stewart is doing a price comparison of some other pay per click sites to show you the difference in value here, I'll add that link shortly. I would also assume that the home searches conducted here are of higher "quality" than they may be on some of the other generic pay-per-click sites.
This is one of the most important posts and announcements I've written on ActiveRain. Home searches are taking place on Activerain right now, these stats are proof. We want YOU to be able to help complete the process in finding these people homes. Please, contact Bob or myself if you have any questions or need more information regarding these stats, or if you just need help setting up your hit router campaigns.
This should be given priority consideration today. Thanks.