
Professional Packing-Advice from the Trenches

Real Estate Sales Representative with RE/MAX Unlimited of Northern Virginia

You know, people who have never done a corporate relocation assume that it's an effortless exercise for the people being moved.  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!  There are many myths and misunderstandings around corporate relos.  Let's explore some of them.

I have been very fortunate in that my last 4 moves have been corporate relo's and have had packers come in and pack my entire 4 bedroom house in two days! Pretty awesome right? Well, sometimes...

Yes it is wonderful not to have to beg borrow and steal boxes from grocery and liquor stores or the new neighbors down the street. But are 250+ boxes really necessary? Can't more than one lampshade go in each box?  

Some lessons I have learned about professional packing.

Lesson 1: If you don't want it to go, throw it out before the packers get there or else it's coming with you! That means clean out your junk drawers. Our first redo I discovered a huge box filled mostly with packing paper all carefully wrapped around junk. Yep, junk. Were 50 pieces of packing paper really necessary to secure 6 pens (3 of which no longer worked), 4 rubber bands, 1 eraser, 2 thingamabobs, 8 whosamawhatchuts, several expired coupons and a Chinese menu for a place that I doubted would deliver 1300 miles away. Even though someone else is packing for you, you still need to take the time and throw junk out.

Lesson 2: Lamps and their shades do not get packed in the same box. Now wouldn't it seem to make sense to put the finial on each lamp? Well, not so fast. Not every packer does and what I learned on one of our moves is that sometimes the finials are wrapped in what you think is yet more packing paper. Yep, you guessed it. Every one of our lamp finials were thrown out.

Lesson 3: For each bedroom tape a piece of paper with the occupants name on it to the door. Otherwise the packers will just label bed 1, bed 2 etc...Now try and figure out whose is whose when there are 20+ boxes to move around! When you reach your destination do the same thing. Trust me, it's easier all around.

Lesson 4: Plants. Plants are a big issue. Some drivers will allow them others won't. Ask. Some drivers will allow as long as they are packed in boxes that are not labeled plants. Find out what the box will be labeled as. Imagine my surprise when 4 weeks after we moved I finally got around to opening a box marked books and it was ("was" being the operative term here) my plants!

Lesson 5: Use this as a chance to clean out your kitchen cupboard.  Bags of flour, sugar, etc. WILL break open in the box.  It's one of Murphy's laws.  Jars of spices?  If they have been opened, your mover will likely wrap the tops with tape.  This will never come off.  Spend the time leading up to your move to reduce what's in your cupboard.  Use things so you don't wind up throwing them out.  Make a list of the things you use up and replace them when you get to your new home. This would probably be good to save on the computer, who needs to try and keep track of yet another list!

Lesson 6: Shampoos, conditioners, lotions, perfumes?  See number 5. These will be taped within an inch of their lives and can never be used again. Save to travel with or throw away on your last day.

Lesson 7: Anything that is going to be going with you on your travels keep hidden from the movers!! It will get packed if it is out. This includes, toys, clothing for the trip, snacks, books, movies etc. 

Lesson 8: Any manuals or warranties that you want to leave behind for the new owner -give to the agent. All four times I have left these items in a bottom drawer that was already cleaned out and marked "DO NOT PACK" and each time these papers were packed. This last move I thought I was real clever by taping the drawer shut; marking it do not open and putting on the envelope do not pack.  All to no avail; they still came with me. Three times I have mailed to the new owners, this last time I didn't get around to it.

Lesson 9: Movers will not transport cleaning supplies-even if they are unopened, so, you might as well give them to a good friend, neighbor or leave for the new owners. Plan in advance and don't buy any new cleaners. Most are multi-purpose anyways. Make the most of them! Vinegar is an amazing cleaner. Use it!

Lesson 10: Keep all closing paperwork, personal documents and financial paperwork with you.  Just trust me on this!

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Kat DeLong
Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert - Prescott, AZ

Kim: This is great advice for folks relocating, and consumers will greatly appreciate it.  Nice job!

May 07, 2009 03:55 AM
Kim Curran
RE/MAX Unlimited of Northern Virginia - Bristow, VA

Thanks Kat! It has all happened to us during our last several relocaitons! The lamp finials was the funniest!

May 09, 2009 01:32 PM