If you are like me and so many others, then I know stress is definitely changing the way you think. The key words are how you are thinking.
Stress can actually be good because if handled correctly, it can point you in a direction you never thought about. What appears to be happening and I see it all the time is that stress due to job loss, death, financial problems or other things is causing us to feel paralyzed, depressed, hopeless and is shattering our dreams and even changing the way we think. Were you happy, in love, grateful before the economy took its toll and now you feel sad, depressed, unhappy, out of love, ungrateful? You can change how you feel and think!
Two months ago, my husband passed away. I can hear you offering your condolences and I thank you for them, but what has happened because of my husband's passing is what I want to talk about.
Not only did I lose my husband, I lost his income, our house, my dreams and all that was attached to him. Then it dawned on me. I must depend totally on myself. There is no life insurance as he had been sick for a while. I felt alot of pressure and could feel myself falling into a "woe is me" attitude. I felt depressed and scared about being on my own and having to support myself.
I found as I opened up to people about my loss, I got tremendous support and found within myself the courage to tackle life head on. After all, it's my life and I decided not to let it get me down. One of my friends when I thanked him for his inspiration because it helped me move forward responded with "you inspired yourself". Now that was definitely true and made me feel good. The inspiration I feel has spurred me on to start this blog in hopes or helping not only myself but others.
My intent is to make this an ongoing blog so that I can share information that I hope will be helpful to all of you out there in Internet Land who need to get on with their life after being dealt a severe blow from the economy or from life itself. Maybe you need support or just a different way of looking at things. Change happens and the events of life seem to hit us just when we think everything is grand.
On my website there is a tab that says Inspirational where you will find some helpful links to stress busters along with some great quotes from great people. Check them each out and see if they help.
My favorite link is The Secret and the bottom line of the revelation of The Secret is that we all have within ourselves the power to make our lives better--that's the secret. It doesn't come from anyone else, just each one of us.
So, if stress is getting the better of you and you need some help, I hope you'll follow my blog as I unveil how I'm dealing with it, give you some tips and hopefully, reach out to you and help you survive these tumultuous times. One thing for sure is that in six months, you will either be happier or sadder. Nothing stays the same and it is up to you and only you to make your life the best it can be. Material things don't matter as long as we have enough money to keep us going and you will be amazed at how much less you actually need. It's an eye opener. Always be open to new ideas and different ways to live your life. Remember, don't sweat the small stuff, none of us get out alive--so enjoy what you do have and once you start feeling grateful for the smallest things, your life will change for the better.
My first feeling of gratefulness is living here in Florida where it is warm, sunny, tropical and a wonderful place to feel those happy feelings again.
Feel free to share what's going on in your life--it really does help!