
For Real Estate Professionals - Developers, Agents, General Contractors, Property Management Cos. Need Capital for your REIT Project?

Real Estate Agent with DiMucci Realty

We have investors looking specifically to invest in real estate management companies, real estate funds and real estate investment trusts (REITs). To legally and effectively approach them you must have a securities offering document fully compliant with federal and state(s) securities laws and be willing to sell securities that they want.

REIT Producer™ is the newest addition to the highly acclaimed Financial Architect System™ and is specifically customized for the Real Estate Marketplace. The easy-to-use software based REIT Producer™ generates the required securities offering documents and investor leads to enable Real Estate Developers, General Contractors, Real Estate Agents, and Property Management Companies to evolve to the next level of professionalism by raising and managing an unlimited amount of capital for acquiring Income and Growth properties nationwide. Financial Architect®, a patent pending system designed to substantially reduce the cost (in time and money) of raising capital, through selling securities.

Financial Architect® is:

  1. KNOWLEDGE: Gain inside information on how the real world of capital works through the E-Book: "The Secrets of Wall Street – Raising Capital for Start-Up and Early Stage Companies";
  2. POWER: Create a "Marketable Deal Structure" -- for securities that investors want. Keep the vast majority of common ownership interest and voting control without going into debt. Produce the required securities offering documents (fully compliant with federal and state securities laws).
  3. RESULTS: Access real investors, for personal introductions, to get the job done.

The two most frequently received comments from our customers are:

"Wow, where have you guys been? -- I could have used this years ago," and

"You put a lot of work into this...this is great, thank you so much."

We paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for legal, accounting, and investment banking work product, just to license it to you -- to enable you to have a shot at your dream. We’ve taken one of the most complex, arduous and expensive processes and reduced it into a simple, easy and inexpensive system. We’ve borne 90% of the cost and have done 90% of the work, now it’s up to you to close the gap and finish the process of capitalizing your company.

Yours is the Next Move: Financial Architect® - REIT Producer™.

- Truly Revolutionary -