#4 of over 33 million search results in 8 months - WOW!
You see and hear a lot of sales pitches every day about search engine optimization (SEO), and "we'll get you on the first page of Google" type phone calls - how many sales calls like that have you received? My advice, get a solid web-consultant on board that knows SEO and search engine marketing (SEM) - and the real estate business.
We really kind of lucked out by meeting our SEO/SEM guru, whose company moved us from the 9th page of search results for the Google search "Boston real estate" - the most difficult search phrase in our market - to number 4 in the search results - and I believe we are tapping at the heals of the top three (#1 Boston Globe - that's going to be difficult to replace, #2 is bostonrealestate.com, and #3 is bostonrealestate.net) all three, for obvious reasons will be tough to crack.
As a result we are now averaging about 2 deals a week from the web - and anywhere from 6 to 15 leads a day (from 2 to 3 leads a day) - all in under a year.
I told my SEO guru who is also a Realtor I was going to post this, and since we have exclusivity in Boston (yes he does exclusive contracts) - I don't mind sharing his website: http://www.firstseoconsultants.com/
This really works if you find the real McCoy