
Doing the Right Stuff - Prospecting

Reblogger Tony Fantis
Real Estate Agent with Fantis Group Real Estate

Hands down, the best advice I've ever seen...

While many people are scrambling for work, some agents are thriving in the down economy.  As I survey other busy agents, they all tell me the same things.  They've been doing the "Right Stuff" consistently for a long time.

Check out this article!

Tony =)

Original content by Anna "Banana" Kruchten AZ Broker BR030809000

 Do The Right Stuff!

Ask this guy about doing the right stuff and he'll tell you.  Short, simple and to the point.  You need a pan, a donkey, the right tools and lots of stamina, and all the while you must stay focused on what you're looking 

When you're looking for your gold mine in real estate, you need to do the same stuff over and over and over again.  And then start all over.  It's not complicated.  It's not hard. It's not rocket science.  Just do it. Here are the tools the agents in our office are taught to follow every day.  Not once in awhile, every work day.

1.  First thing every day, think of all the stuff you are grateful for and continue doing so throughout the day.  Keep a grateful journal if that helps you stay in touch with all the good happening in your life. Share your grateful list with office mates.  That's kind of like 'sharing the wealth'. Spread only the good stuff around and focus only on the good stuff. JDI.

2. Show up with a can-do attitude.  You do know what that looks like, right?  Of course you do.  Smile. JDI.

3. Work 'on' your business for the first hour.  Do not open emails or take phone calls.  Stay focused on the project on hand and get it done first.  Why no emails or calls?  You know why.  Emails can suck up a lot of time and then's 11:00 and you don't have anything accomplished yet.  Just try this for a week and see what a difference it can make. JDI.

4. Personal notes, write at least 2 a day.  There are many people who understand the power of the 'old fashioned' hand written note.  They are the successful agents.  Model their behavior. This is a simple relationship building tool that takes less than 5 minutes a day.  JDI.

5. Look over your 'hot list' of prospects/clients. Always be thinking, who is ready to buy or list their home, THIS week?  These are the hot ones that will buy or list with somebody. It may as well be you, right?  JDI.

6. Look over your 'warm' list of prospects/clients.  Is there anybody that needs an MLS search set up, a CMA sent to them, an invite to coffee or lunch.  This warm list most certainly will turn into the hot list when the time is right for them. If you are at the 'top of their mind' they will most likely call you when ready to buy or sell.  JDI.

7. Love calls (come on now be serious, stay focused here). These calls are short, no more than 3 to 5 minutes because you don't want to be the 'one' that people think.....on no it's him/her will I ever get them off the phone.  Ask FORD questions ( Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams) and then LISTEN to what they are saying.  The gold is in the listening part.  Are they getting married or divorced?  New baby on the way?  Big loud teenagers that need their own space? College kids out of nest soon?  Older parents moving in with them?  There are many reasons to buy or sell and it's your job to listen to their current and/or future needs and wants. Think of something of value for them. Follow up.  JDI.

8.  Schedule 2 coffees or lunches with prospective clients and/or business associates weekly.  No explanation needed here.  Everyone knows about Starbucks. JDI.

9. Network weekly. Get out in the flow of people.  Join the chamber of commerce or other groups and get involved in your community. JDI.

10. Blog.  I'd like to say blog every day but I know that a lot of agents will groan loudly.  So do  2 to 3 times a week until you understand the power of what blogging can do for your business and then start blogging 5 days a week.  Along with blogging, join the Active Rain Social Network. JDI. 

11. Talk to 50 people per week face to face.  Or more. Every live person counts as long as it's not family or friends.  Don't cheat yourself.  This is a real gold mine producer.  JDI.

12. Course Correct.  If you find you're not doing the right stuff, course correct. Don't get out the sledge hammer - that takes way too much energy.  Just simply review the list and start over.  If you need support, ask for it.  Don't wait a week or month for help.  Ask right away if you're going off course.  A great team will be there to assist you.  And so will your Broker. JDI.

Now I know there are many other real estate related activities that need to be accomplished ie: open houses, farming, newsletters, correspondence etc.  Fit them in as required.  But don't get bogged down in the details and forget to prospect. Many agents do this very thing and wonder what happend 90 days or so out and wonder where the clients went. I know, I was one of them years ago before my new broker taught me the right stuff to do. 

That's it. Do the right stuff and you will create a gold mine. JDI.

See you on the Mountain!