
May 2009 - Calendar of Events - Coeur d'Alene Idaho

Reblogger Tim Jank
Home Builder with Jank & Associates

Original content by Pam Jank SP000

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho - City by the Lake

May 2009 - Calendar of Events - Coeur d'Alene, ID

Spring is finally here! Get up and get going to the many local events and happenings in our community. There is lots to do and see in Coeur d' Alene this month!   


 Sunday                                  Monday             Tuesday                         Wednesday                      Thursday           Friday                                   Sat     

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Mother's Day Weekend at Silverwood- May 9 - 10 2009 Where: 27843 N Highway 95, Athol, ID (map) Description: Mother's Day Weekend - May 9 & 10, 2009
When a family brings Mom to the park and purchases their tickets at the front gate, Mom gets in free plus the family receives a special general admission price of only $19.99 per person per day Celebrate Mother's Day at Silverwood. (A Savings of $21.00 per person on General Admission - ages 8 to 64) (Only one FREE Mom ticket per family) (Not valid with any other discounts, coupons, promotions or special offers.)

For information visit

 Nothing on Calendar yet  Nothing on Calendar Yet Group Only Days at Silverwood 11am 10th Annual IDFY Golf Classic - 10th Annual IDFY Golf Classic When: Fri, May 15, 11am - 7pm Where: 5600 East Mullan Ave Post Falls, Idaho (map) Description: Please support Idaho Drug Free Youth by participating in the 10th Annual IDFY Golf Classic.  This year's event is quickly approaching and will sell out fast so get your registration, sponsorship and team information sent it right away.  The deadline to register is May 11, 2009.


Silverwood's 22nd Season Celebration - Silverwood's 22nd Season Celebration WhenMay 16 - 17 2009 Where27843 N Highway 95, Athol, ID (map) Description

22nd Season Celebration - May 16 & 17, 2009
General Admission (ages 8 to 64) is only $22.00 per person per day when purchasing your ticket at Silverwood's front gate. (A Savings of $18.99 per person General Admission - ages 8 to 64) (Not valid with any other discounts, coupons, promotions or special offers.)

For information visit


Symphonic Celebration When: Sun, May 10, 3pm - 5pm Where: Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox (map) DescriptionJ. Brahms Schicksalslied (Song of Destiny) L. van Beethoven, Symphony No. 9 Eckart Preu, conductor Spokane Symphony Chorale Mary Dunleavy, soprano Marjorie Eleanor Dix, mezzo-soprano Eric Fenton, tenor Richard Zeller, baritone Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 can be called the Ultimate Symphony. Musically, no other piece in music history has had a greater impact on later composers. If heard in Olympic ceremonies, Tiananmen Square in Beijing or during the fall of the Berlin Wall, this symphony is more than music. With its Ode to Joy and its themes of freedom and brotherhood, it has inspired millions of people all over the world.

HREI Mini Film Series When: Wed, May 13, 12pm - 1pm Where: Human Rights Education Institute (map) Description: Political Power and Propaganda mini film series, brown bag lunch and discussion. Bring a sack lunch, view selected ten minute film clips from historic propaganda videos. 208-292-2359 or

5:30pm Mexican Cooking Class - Mexican Cooking Class When: Thu, May 14, 5:30pm - 7:00pm Where: Jacklin Arts and Cultural Center (map) Description Hosted by Cafe Carambola. $50 208-457-8950 or

5:30pm Post Falls Artist Reception - Post Falls Artist Reception WhenFri, May 15, 5:30pm - 7:00pm WhereJacklin Arts & Cultural Center (map) Description208-457-8950 or

What: Mudgy & Millie Family Walk - Approximately 2.4 mile walk (40 minute walk)

When: Third Saturday of the month, except where noted, beginning at 9 a.m.
April 18
May 16
* June 27
(Celebrate our nation's Birthday!)
July 18
August 15
September 19
* October 31
(Halloween walk for families)
November 21

Where: Mudgy Moose Trail, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
- Meet by the Mudgy Moose statue at the base of Tubbs Hill, in the public parking lot adjacent to the Coeur d'Alene Resort.  The walking path is easy to moderate.
Who: All community members, families are encouraged to join in this healthy and fun event.

Cost: FREE 

Community Drum Circle with Let's All Drum! WhenWed, May 6, 6pm - 7pm WhereCalypso's Coffee (map) DescriptionJoin Cassidy with Let's all Drum for this interactive drum circle. Free and open to the public. Click here for more information 7:30pm Magical Music of Walt Disney - Magical Music of Walt Disney WhenFri, May 15, 7:30pm - 9:30pm Where: Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox (map) Description: Hear the music that has enchanted generations live in concert, complete with stunning visuals from the Disney vault! The Lion King, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Tarzan, and The Jungle Book everybody knows these Disney classics and the Spokane Symphony will bring their music to life from the stage of Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox. But how many people know that the roster of names behind the music for Disney films reads like a who's who of international music life from classical to pop. Musical superstars such as Elton John, Phil Collins, Alan Menken, Hans Zimmer, and Jerry Goldsmith have composed for Disney soundtracks, and James Levine, collaborating with the Chicago Symphonic Orchestra recorded the music of Fantasia 2000, including classical favorites by Beethoven, Gershwin, Respighi, Elgar, and Shostakovich. All of these famous names have contributed to this collage of Disney masterpieces, making it not only a musical must for children, but essential viewing and listening for grown-ups too! 7:30pm Opera Coeur d'Alene - "Opera Close Up" - Opera Coeur d'Alene - "Opera Close Up" WhenSat, May 16, 7:30pm - 8:30pm WhereJacklin Arts and Cultural Center in Post Falls (map) DescriptionAn intimate evening of opera featuring Menotti's one-act opera "The Telephone" plus scenes from other well-knows operas. $35 per person, pre-paid reservations only. 208-676-8313


 Sunday                                        Monday             Tuesday     Wednesday                           Thursday    Friday                                  Sat

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Silverwood's 22nd Season Celebration  Nothing on Calendar yet  Nothing on Calendar yet Physics & Science Days at Silverwood- Physics & Science Days at Silverwood WhenMay 20 - 21 2009 Where27843 N Highway 95, Athol, ID (map) Description

Physics & Science Days - May 20, 2009 (Physics) & May 21 2009 (Science)
Academic competitions, educational opportunities and Aquifer Education accompanied by fun at Silverwood! (Special group only days. Reservations required.)

To make your reservation call 2086833400 x 109.

For information visit

 Nothing on Calendar yet American Heroes Weekend at Silverwood- American Heroes Weekend at Silverwood WhenMay 23 - 25 2009 Where27843 N Highway 95, Athol, ID (map) Description

American Heroes Weekend - Memorial Day Weekend - May 23, 24, 25, 2009 - All military personnel, police officers & firefighters (identification required) receive FREE admission to the park on these special event days and their immediate family members (spouse & children) are ½ Price General Admission ($20.49 all ages) when they purchase their tickets at the front gate.

Information call (208) 6833400 x 109 or visit

(Not valid with any other discounts, coupons, promotions or special offers.)

7:30am AJ's Tails and Trails- AJ's Tails and Trails WhenSun, May 17, 7:30am - 12:00pm Where2101 W Saint Michelle, Coeur D Alene, ID‎ (map) Description

3rd Annual AJs Tails & Trails

Details are as follows:
Event:3rd Annual AJs Tails & Trails
Date: May 17, 2009  (Sunday)
Time: 7:30am to Noon
Place: Woodland Middle School
Address: 2101 W Saint Michelle, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Details: Dog Walk & Run to raise money for Kootenai Humane Society.  Contests, food, fun & more! For more information please call Holly at 208-818-1633 or visit our website: .

12pm HREI Mini Film Series - HREI Mini Film Series WhenWed, May 20, 12pm - 1pm WhereHuman Rights Education Institute (map) DescriptionPolitical Power and Propaganda mini film series, brown bag lunch and discussion. Bring a sack lunch, view selected ten minute film clips from historic propaganda videos. 208-292-2359 or  Nothing on Calendar yet
2:30pm Opera Coeur d'Alene - "Opera Close Up" - Opera Coeur d'Alene - "Opera Close Up" WhenSun, May 17, 2:30pm - 3:30pm WhereJacklin Arts and Cultural Center (map) DescriptionAn intimate evening of opera featuring Menotti's one-act opera "The Telephone" plus scenes from other well-knows operas. $35 per person, prepaid reservations only. 208-676-8313 6pm Community Drum Circle with Let's All Drum! - Community Drum Circle with Let's All Drum! WhenWed, May 20, 6pm - 7pm WhereCalypso's Coffee (map) DescriptionJoin Cassidy with Let's all Drum for this interactive drum circle. Free and open to the public. Click here for more information.


24 25 26 27 28 29 30
American Heroes Weekend at Silverwood  Nothing on Calendar yet 12pm HREI Mini Film Series - HREI Mini Film Series WhenWed, May 27, 12pm - 1pm WhereHuman Rights Education Institute (map) DescriptionPolitical Power and Propaganda mini film series, brown bag lunch and discussion. Bring a sack lunch, view selected ten minute film clips from historic propaganda videos. 208-292-2359 or Group Only Days at Silverwood

Silverwood Theme Park - NOW OPEN DAILY

For more iformation visit

32nd Coeur d'Alene Marathon/Half/5K - 32nd Coeur d'Alene Marathon/Half/5K WhenSunday, May 24, 2009 Where2151 N Main St, Coeur d'Alene, ID (map) Description

THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL COEUR D'ALENE MARATHON OFFERS NEW COURSE STARTING AND FINISHING AT RIVERSTONE: North Idaho Centennial Trail welcomes Riverstone as title sponsor and host of the venue.

For more information go to

 Nothing on Calendar yet 6pm Community Drum Circle with Let's All Drum! - Community Drum Circle with Let's All Drum! WhenWed, May 27, 6pm - 7pm WhereCalypso's Coffee (map) DescriptionJoin Cassidy with Let's all Drum for this interactive drum circle. Free and open to the public. Click here for more information. 7pm JAZZ @ the JACC - JAZZ @ the JACC WhenThu, May 28, 7pm - 9pm WhereJacklin Arts & Cultural Center (map) DescriptionStarring the Brent Edstrom Trio Tickets are $20  Nothing on Calendar yet 6pm Greenbriar Inn Cooking Class - Greenbriar Inn Cooking Class WhenSat, May 30, 6pm - 9pm WhereGreenbriar Inn (map) DescriptionPairing Wines with Ingredients click here for more details.


31 Jun 1 2 3 4 5 6
 Nothing on Calendar yet  Nothing on Calendar yet  Nothing on Calendar yet 6pm Community Drum Circle with Let's All Drum!  Nothing on Calendar yet

Adventure Sports Week 2009

WhenJun 5 - 14 2009 WhereFarragut State Park, ID (map) Description

The official XTERRA Cup Race and qualifier to Maui!

 For more info visit

5pm Art Walk - Art Walk When: Fri, June 5, 5pm - 8pm Where: Downtown Coeur d'Alene (map) Description: Join us for a fun evening and enjoy the local arts in beautiful Downtown Coeur d'Alene. From 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. galleries host opening receptions with the opportunity to meet the artists, listen to live music and see newly arrived works of art. Participating downtown businesses and restaurants are open extended hours and 2-hour parking is always free! Boulder Beach Now Open Daily WhenSaturday, Jun 6, 2009 Where27843 N Highway 95, Athol, ID (map) Description

Boulder Beach - NOW OPEN DAILY

For more iformation visit

Christian Family Weekend - Christian Family Weekend WhenJun 6 - 7 2009 Where27843 N Highway 95, Athol, ID (map) Description

Christian Family Weekend - June 6 & 7, 2009
Two day Christian family celebration. Buy one General Admission ticket and receive one free when you purchase your tickets in advance. (This special offer does not apply when purchasing tickets at Silverwood's front gate)

For more information on locations where you can purchase advance tickets call (208) 6833400x 126 or visit

Events shown in time zone: Pacific Time  

Loading... Cirque de la Symphonie WhenSun, April 26, 7:30pm - 9:30pm WhereINB Performing Arts Center (map) DescriptionCirque de la Symphonie brings the magic of Cirque to the music hall. It is an exhilarating adaptation of artistic performances seen in theaters and arenas everywhere. More than anything, it is the best Cirque artists in the world, including aerial flyers, acrobats, dancers, jugglers and balancers performing to exciting symphonic music. more details»  copy to my calendar»    

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho - City by the Lake

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