I have spent the past few weeks learning how to use FaceBook and I have to say - IT WORKS! Facebook is now the number 1 referrer to my brokerage site! But - there are a few things you should know about using Facebook that I have recently learned:
1) Make Lists! Remember those photos from college? Yep - they are just waiting to get posted on your FaceBook page for all your business associates to see (don't worry - there are worse photos of them running around!). It's easy to make different lists for Business Associates, Friends, Family... and that way each list only sees what you want them to...and not those embarrassing moments! It's easy to do - in the upper left menu click on the "+create" link and your off on your adventure of separating everyone you know out into nice easy to manage groups!
2) Make a page for your business. This is easy to do and will help your friends understand what you do for work. FaceBook is a social networking tool on steroids - but having it all on one page can get overwhelming. Create a page for your business and invite your clients and colleagues to become a fan. Fans of your business page then will receive regular updates about your business on thier Facebook page... and guess what - their friends see your updates too! This is called WORKING YOUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE... and you can do it in your bathrobe!
3) UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE! It's easy to do... find a news story with positive news? Post it to your Facebook page and share it easily with everyone you are networked with. Did you pour over market statistics all night and you found the bottom? Declare it on Facebook!
4) Promote your FaceBook profile. This is the single most important part of the puzzle. First - you need to email a link to your new profile to your entire database so they either network with you - or at least they know your on the cutting edge of social media! Next - promote your FaceBook profile in all of your marketing - put it on your flyers, add it to your email signature... promote, promote, promote!
So, that's what I know so far. There is lot's more to learn in FaceBook - but I can tell you this - what I have done so far has made a significant difference in the traffic to my site! I've connected with clients and I've connected with people from 4th grade - it's amazing how small the planet is getting! Enjoy the connections!
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43 Degrees North Real Estate
Jeff Martel | Broker / Marketing Director
7400 West State Street, Boise Idaho 83714
Voice | 208.860.3696
Fax | 888.452.5257
Main Brokerage: http://www.43re.com
New Homes: http://www.NewConstructionBoise.com
ActiveRain: http://activerain.com/blogs/jmartel <!--EndFragment-->