
Bone Marrow Drive Partnered w/ the City of Dana Point

Services for Real Estate Pros with AIG, Allied, Fireman's Fund, CNA, Travelers,The Hartford, Pr

June 11th at the Dana Point Community center June 11th, 2009 12-8

34052 Del Obispo St. Dana Point, Ca.

Chamber of Commerce members, Judy and Brad Brandmeier, owners of Beacon printing, have partnered with the City of Dana Point to have a Bone Marrow Drive. The Brandmeirers are very commited to their community and help with just about every charity that I know of. Their Son, Craig who is only 24 and a Dana Hills Graduate was diagnosed with a treacherous form of Leukemia that has landed him once again back in the hospital facing a bone marrow transplant. Craig only has 1 in a million chance to find a match. His brothers were not a complete match and he only has 50% survival.

The bone marrow drive requires only a swab in the cheek. Must be 18-60 and in good health. If you can't help, please get the word out- One swab can save a life.

For more information, please see the and

We have had a wonderful turn out in the support of our community, but we need more. Thank you for reading