
If The US Auto Industry is left to Fail

Real Estate Agent with Good Shepherd Real Estate, LLC

As we watch economic woes across the board we need to be sure that the US auto industry is driven to survive!

Remember $4.00+/gal gasoline, how did that feel, did it impact your life style, do you think it impacted your business? Let the US auto industry fail and you can kiss the opportunity to free ourselves of foreign oil dependency good bye and who knows what fuel prices might become. Forget about the development of fuel efficent alternatives, energy source alternatives. Why because we won't have any control over what kind of vehicles we drive. Forget about cafe standards we will take what we get.

Think About it if we don't have any US Auto Maker competition for the foreign competitors, who has all the power, sure we're a big customer and we provide competition to them with our BIG Three, the big three that is committing to better fuel efficiency, alternative sources. Now take them away, will we have the clout over foreign makers when we have no competition for them or will they just say take what we give you?

What if other countries tell them we'll take what you offer, that will further erode our clout. We need to make sure the US Auto industry succeeds, to let us keep our clout with foreign auto makers, otherwise lets get ready for $4,5,6,7.00....... a gallon gas OR MORE! Then lets continue to pay escalating prices for EVERYTHING that involves transportation cost, like food, homes, clothes, appliances, you can finish the list........  

Will Fiat leave Chrysler here or just shut it down espcecially if GM and or Ford goes under, we need all three to keep our presence and protect our wallets.