
3 Examples of The Power of Positive Marketing

Real Estate Agent with Prudential Caruthurs

Everyone has heard of the staple books in positive thinking, like "The Power of Positive Thinking", "Think and Grow Rich" and  "Hung by the Tongue".  Anyone affiliated with any type of marketing has been told to "Just go and get these books".  Little is understood of the power of the concepts within these books.


It's not just your attitude . . . it's your actions.  How you put your thoughts into words matters when people are coming to your office to decide if they are going to use your services . . . or not.


What am I talking about?


Let us assume that everyone knows that people are more likely to make purchases when they are in a good mood.  One would assume that if you can make people feel good, then you are more likely to get them to buy from you.


Is that a safe assumption?


Now, in real estate, how do we do that?


Take a look at these two examples:


Agent 1


"I'm tired of seeing people get ripped off  by using THAT broker . . ."




"That agent isn't doing you any favors, why don't you let me sell it for you."


Be honest with yourself and tell me that hearing how bad another company's products or services are doesn't turn you off.


It surprises me how many people use competition bashing to sell their own product.  The LAST THING you want to do is remind people that they can get ripped off real estate.  It's a very unprofessional, amateur method of asking for a sale.


Studies have show that people respond to positive reinforcement.  This is evident in just about every means of communication.  It is no different when reading information on a website or talking to a customer while on a listing appointment.  If you are using any other methods of marketing, like a newsletter, special reports, follow up emails, or text ads, you want to remember this simple principle when creating your copy:


Positive Sells!



Here are some other examples of different web site copy I picked up off the internet:


Website from agent 1


"I am a multi-million dollar producer. 


Website from agent 2


"You want to command a premium price for your home.  Let me walk you through a few steps to improve curb appeal"


Which agent would you feel more inclined to purchase from?


Did you notice the positive approach of Website 2?  The "I's" are replaced with "you" or the customer.  They don't care what you know.  They don't care how much you have accomplished.  They called you so they more than likely already know. 


They want to know how you are going to help them.  What can you do for them.  Mention your accomplishments on your website by all means, but the focus should be on your customer.  Write your copy as if you are speaking directly to them.


Here's another, more subtle example:


Agent 1


"Many will lose their chance to cash in on that $8,000 credit if they don't go to settlement by November 30th.  Don't you be one of them!  While others are racing ahead of you, you will be sitting out in the cold, wondering where it went!"


Agent 2


"You are smart in starting this early enough to take advantage of that $8,000 tax credit."


It's the same "limited time offer" technique with a completely different focus.  Agent 1 tells the person what they will lose whereas agent 2 congratulates the customer in taking the initiative and focusing on what they will gain.


Injecting positive words, positive motivation and positive outcomes gives Agent 2 more credibility and makes the person reading it feel good about themselves, like they've already accomplished something.


People don't like being turned off.  They don't want to hear about the bad things that can happen to them; especially in this market where many are facing enough bad things happening. 


What you want to do is empower people when you are consulting with them, writing your ad copy or web site copy.  Put them in the position of seeing their success.  Congratulate them on the time they spent researching realtors before deciding on you. You want them to want to be around you.  More importantly you want them to recommend you

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Harrison Painter
GoGladiator Media - Carmel, IN
New Media Consultant

Positive, positive, positive!

I feel that people are just exhausted from all of the negative things in life right now, and folks welcome a great attitude!

Thank you for sharing!

- Harrison Painter


May 20, 2009 05:06 PM
Maria Morton
Platinum Realty - Kansas City, MO
Kansas City Real Estate 816-560-3758

Bonnie, good examples of the subtle difference our words can make.

May 20, 2009 05:10 PM
Robert Havana
Park and Protect- Alberta Real Estate License Parking - Calgary, AB
Alberta Real Estate License Parking

I agree completely.  I consistently beat my competition in every appointment by not talking down about them, but talking up what me and my clients can achieve working together.  Clients love to know that they are a participant in the process and success and not just a client being sold something.

May 20, 2009 06:09 PM