All buyers and sellers interested in Royal Pines - Lady's Island Country Club on Lady's Island near Beaufort South Carolina should take a moment to read the proposed new convenants at:
They are in PDF format, so I had to send you a link. Once you are on the HOA website, there is a link in red at the top that will take you to a PDF of the proposed convenants. The next meeting to discuss the new convenants is 6/3/09, so make sure to attend if you have any questions/comments/concerns.
Working hard to be your Royal Pines Realtor of Choice! My wife Maria and I own 2 homes in Royal Pines, 8 Royal Pines Blvd. and 85 James F. Byrnes, so we have a vested interest in everything related to Royal Pines and in helping assure our property values remain steady through this downturn in the real estate market. We are here to help you in any way and to answer any questions you may have related to Royal Pines real estate.
Chris Skrip, Broker-in-Charge and Owner of RE/MAX Sea Island Realty in Beaufort SC.
This is our pool at the clubhouse of Lady's Island Country Club.