In Harford County, on the 26th of May, the county council will be voting to raise property taxes in an economy where the private sector has lost jobs left and right, homes are losing value, people are getting foreclosed on, and amazingly, the only people that are asked to tighten their belts are the very people that are suffering from financial malnutrition in the first place!
I know there have been quite a few counties in Maryland coming up for council meetings that are voting on this same issue (whether or not to raise propety taxes). You not only need to be out in force for your own interests, but for the interests of your customers as real estate agents.
A great way to build rapport and keep your names in your customers minds is to keep them on top of what is happening with property owners rights in your local area, your state and federally. Let them know what is about to happen to their taxes, their property and income. You can accomplish this without appearing partisan politically, but partisan for your customers interests.
Stay vigilant and keep your customers informed. They need you now more than ever!