Here are some simple, big energy and money saving adjustments we can make to green our homes. Eric Corey Freed, the author of Green Building & Remodeling for Dummies shares what we should do first to easily green our homes and save on electric and water bills.
- Cut Out Vampire Power
Vampire loads, or phantom power, which is caused by devices like cell phone chargers and electric toasters suck up energy as long as they're plugged in-even when not in use. Unplug your devices when they're not in use, or buy a $25 smart power strip that'll turn off automatically. - End Toilet Water Waste
Take an empty two-liter bottle, wash it out, fill it with water, screw the lid on tightly and set it into your toilet tank, as far away from the flapper valve as possible. This prevents two liters of water from being used every time you flush. Old toilets waste up to 7 gallons a flush! - Install an Ultra Low Flow Showerhead
The showerhead in your bathroom uses 2.5 gallons of water a minute or more-installing an ultra low flow can cut that down to half a gallon a minute. - Get a Gray Water System for Your Bathroom
The bathroom is where we waste the vast majority of our water. Installing a gray water system is actually an ingenious idea for your home, especially if your water bill is high. It collects soapy water from your faucet and sends it to the toilet, so you flush with soapy, used water, not freshwater. These cost around $300. - Replace Your Thermostat with a Programmable One
Getting a programmable thermostat enables you to lower the heat when you sleep and have it rise before you wake. It can be set to lower while you're at work, too. These can save you up to $180 a year on your electric bill.