"Break the chains of your thought,and you break the chains of your body too." Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
I love the sitcom "Seinfeld". It is truly creative, witty, funny. A show about life. I can watch the episodes again and again and again, just like I can watch the old Star Trek Series, any episode, again and again. To me everything that the characters in Seinfeld encountered was so real and that is how life is. It is full of unexpected moments. Life can be viewed as tragic or comical. I choose the latter.
There was one particular episode that I can remember playing in my head. It was when George decided that for one day, he would be a winner. I never really understood his predicament until after I asked a friend why it was so funny that he lived with his parents. In the Philippines, that would be so common. In America, to be living with parents after a certain age is not at all cool. My friend blatantly said one is considered a loser when this happens. That is the perception of the people outside.
So in this episode, George said, "Just for today, I am going to be a winner" He approached the most beautiful woman sitting the bar and boldly declared: "Hi, I'm George. I am 37 years old and I live with my parents." He got the girl and pretty much for that week everything seemed to go well with him. And then they went back to normal. What it was before. Why? In the show, it is what life is. Things go well and then they go back to where they were before.
Analyzing this situation in the context of habitual thought patterns, George asserted himself, for a while. And then he went back to his old way of thinking and so consequently he want back to the way his life was, before. Same old George.
It is never easy to change a habitual way of thinking. Sometimes we are so used to it that we don't even know we are doing it. This I know from experience. It is this habitual way of thinking that imprisons us, paralyzes us and keep us from realizing our true potential. In the manifestation process, this sprouts as doubt. Doubt about yourself, doubt about your worthiness to receive, doubt about why you can when you have not before. The answer, you can NOW!
I dare you to be the George the winner, for one day, and record everything that happens on that day.
One way to do this is to watch yourself in a film for the following day. You make the script and you also direct. Record your observations and FEELINGS for that day, then you can always go back to it when you forget. We always do. Why ? We want to go back to the familiar because it is comfortable As long as we are unable to go beyond what is comfortable, we will never progress.
We need to get out of our comfort zones, as soon as we feel content.
© 2009 by Melinda M. Sorensson
Melinda M. Sorensson, Ph.D. is the author My Journey to an Integrated Life ISBN-10:0979650704 Available at Amazon.com