
Getting Started

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty

     Well, I am finally able to get started on my career as a Realtor (R), and guess what happens . . .On my first day with a stack of leads on my desk, the army calls telling me I have been called back to active duty.  Two weeks later Im sitting in Fort Huachuca, AZ learning new skills for a new job that I will be performing over seas.  Just my luck, after 5 months of taking classes, studying my butt off, and being precepted at my new job, and on the first day Im working here we go. 

     So now here I am four months later, sitting in Iraq, watching the economy start to pick up, and hearing about how good my associatiates at my work are doing.  Wishing I was back home, with my new wife of six months, and wishing I could be out building my Real Estate career.  On the bright side, I am able to study other agents over the web, see what tactics they are using to bring in clients, and which websites seem to draw the most business.  I have recently signed up with Point2Agent to build my website, seems easy enough.  And now Im working on building my active rain account.  I hear this place can do wonders for my career so here I am giving it a shot. 

     So . . .if anyone out there has any good advice for a new agent that has no history or name in the city that they will be working feel free to contact me.  I will take anything I can at this point.  Hopefully when I get back home I will be able to hit the ground running and be ready to take on the challenges of being a new Realtor (R). 


Thanks for listening,

Nicholas Bush, Realtor (R)

Total Auction and Realty LLC.

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Sara Goss GMAC Real Estate - League City, TX
Realtor - Houston Bay Area, Texas

Nicholas, thank you for your service to all of us. Glad you are staying so interested and involved in your R.E. career while overseas. I have used Point2NLS for listings, easy to use and places the listings all over online, not familiar with their website services. You are building a referral base while in the military with the other folks there who may need real estate services, or may know someone who needs a realtor, and so on. You are also building a network of r.e. agents online here that you can give referrals to when your buddies that need r.e. help are not local. Keep reading, keep safe!

May 25, 2009 06:29 AM
Kim Curran
RE/MAX Unlimited of Northern Virginia - Bristow, VA


Thank you for your service. I am sorry about your license. Stay safe and come back soon to make good use of it!


May 25, 2009 06:32 AM
Rebecca Gaujot, Realtor®
Lewisburg, WV
Lewisburg WV, the go to agent for all real estate

Nicholas, as you can see the AR family have taken you in their arms...we hope you stay safe and write some great posts on the happenings there.  May God bless and keep you safe.  I've subscribed to your blog, and look forward to reading your posts.

May 25, 2009 06:48 AM
Harrison Painter
GoGladiator Media - Carmel, IN
New Media Consultant


Keep your head up my friend, you are a hero!

Everything happens for a reason, and the path life is taking you on is the right one.

My advice is to keep blogging about your experiences, what your goals are, and use this time to motivate others who might be struggling too.

At the end of the day, you are a leader! People look up to you, and when you get back they will want to work with you.

Thank you for your service, and I look forward to hearing about your future success stories!

- Harrison Painter

May 25, 2009 06:56 AM
Christianne O'Malley
Dickson Realty - Reno, NV
Exceptional Service - Delivering Results in Reno!

Nicholas, First congratulations on the feature on ActiveRain. You are in good company here and can learn a lot. Second, thank you for your service defending the freedoms we all enjoy here.

If you ever need someone to chat with, I'm all ears. I invite you to read my blog. I just got serious about ActiveRain 5 months ago, and today, I have two deals in escrow directly because of my efforts here. My best advice is to read, comment, and then find your voice and blog. You have a lot to say, whether you know it right now or not.

You have a wonderful niche that you can work - the military. You are in a much better position to understand the challenges our servicemen and women face than a civilian. And I applaud you for studying and getting your license in a time when many people are dropping out because it's gotten tougher.

Real estate is still a great career path. It takes hard work, dedication, and unfaltering belief in yourself that you can do this. It sounds like you have all those skills and have a great future ahead of you. I'll be subscribing to your blog and watching to cheer you on when you get home and write your first deal!

May 25, 2009 08:46 AM
Tchaka Owen
Galleria International Realty - Hollywood, FL

Nicholas - thank you for your service.  It might feel crummy because you're not home working the business, but I will argue that in the long run you will come out the same or even better off because of the breadth of knowledge and contacts you'll gain on AR.  Everyone above me has given great advice and I want to point out two comments:  Sheldon in #31 and Renee in #41.

Knowlege is key and there is sooooo much to learn here.  The hour or two (or more) you spend each day reading AR will burn into your memory.  The experiences that people share here will pop up when you're back home and you run into the same thing.  The AR members you become friendly with are the ones you're going to refer your fellow soldiers to when they return home (and yes, you will get a referral fee).  I hope you brought a box of cards and you're handing them out to everyone.

The only piece of advice I can add (AR members have really done well so far in giving hints) is that you seek a domain name that you can take with you anywhere.  Whether it be or or whatever....just find your thing and go with it.




Sheldon #31, Renee #41

May 25, 2009 09:33 AM
Aaron Poling
Long & Foster - Martinsburg, WV
Working to get YOU the BEST Deal!

I think your off to a great start, I am also pretty new and activerain has helped me tremendously. Thanks for your service and the market will be waiting for you on your return.

May 25, 2009 10:13 AM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign


Thank you for your service.  You're already ahead of the game; look how many friends at Activerain you've already made.  Be safe.

May 25, 2009 01:09 PM
Jamie Dumaine-Russell
RE/MAX Alliance - Branford, CT

Nicholas - HOOAH!  Reading your post today on Memorial Day was awe-inspiring.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage in serving our country.  

As you can see from the overwhelming reponses you have received today, you are now part of a family who welcomes you with open arms and will be an invaluable source of support and help. 

It is no coincidence that your real estate career and deployment are crossing paths.  It is a sign of what the future holds for you.  Take advantage of this opportunity by building up a referral network and using your military experience to carve out a niche market. 

Read and soak up all the information you can from some of the greatest bloggers you will find here in Active Rain.  The sky is the limit when it comes to the education, training and comraderie you will find here with your new family of friends. 

God Bless you and keep you safe.  We are all here to help and support you in any way we can!

May 25, 2009 02:22 PM
Kathleen Allardyce
Getting It Write, Inc. - Atlanta, GA


Reading your post is quite an end to Memorial Day 09.  Thanks to you and your wife for the things you've given up to serve the nation.  Stay safe.  Hopefully the market will be even more active when you get home, and you'll be off to a great start.

May 25, 2009 03:19 PM
Tammy Lankford,
Lane Realty Eatonton, GA Lake Sinclair, Milledgeville, 706-485-9668 - Eatonton, GA
Broker GA Lake Sinclair/Eatonton/Milledgeville


So much I want to say.  First and most important.  Thank you.  Second, stay safe.  Next- make sure you tell everyone on activerain where you will be working when you get home and I'm sure if we know anyone moving their you'll get a refferal.  Also you mentioned you got a point to agent web site.  Good move.  I use that and would be happy to email you tips and tricks I've found if you like.  Of course you may be more computer savy than I am and could teach me stuff about point 2 agent.  I have just fuddled and fumbled my way to knowing a little about what I am doing.

May 26, 2009 04:30 PM
Fran Gatti
RE/MAX Integrity - Medford, OR
Managing Principal Broker - RE/MAX Integrity


Give your clients the same level of customer service that you expect and you will excel.  A high level of customer service is what sets a great agent apart from the rest.

Thank you for your service and God Bless,

May 27, 2009 05:29 PM
Craig Rutman
Helping people in transition - Cary, NC
Raleigh, Cary, Apex area Realtor

See my comments in your "Software, Hardware, Websites for Newbies" blog. I hope it can be of use to you. Also, my brother lives in Knoxville, I go there often, and I'll spread the word to him and his sphere about you.

May 27, 2009 11:57 PM
Sheila Kennedy
J29 Project - Rochester, NY

Nicholas - You rock and so does your wife!  Thank you both for your sacrifices for our country - we owe you both our gratitude and respect.  AR is a wonderful forum where you will learn so much more about practical real estate tips than you ever imagined.  These are people who work hard "in the trenches" everyday and are willing to share their experiences.  Read all that you can - you will be amazed at how it will help you.  When you finally get back - you will probably be more prepared than if you had been here the whole time.  Be safe and know that you are being thought of and prayed for.

May 28, 2009 12:10 AM
Kathleen Frawley
Keller Williams 916 730-4404 Elk Grove, Wilton, Folsom, Sacramento - Wilton, CA
South County Sacramento, 916 730 4404

Nicholas, Thank you for serving!  Blessings come in all shapes and sizes,  Serving right now may just be a big one in disguise:  1. You will have time to learn and make a good strategy.  2. you are making priceless connections. 3. You discovered Active Rain. 4. Self discipline is a #1 requirement for a great Realtor.  5. You will be SO ready to go when you get home that there will be no stopping you!

May 28, 2009 03:00 AM
Tim Manni


Thanks for your service -- your commitment puts the American peoples' convenience and opportunities well before your own -- and for that we thank you.



May 28, 2009 06:06 AM
Patricia Kennedy
RLAH@properties - Washington, DC
Home in the Capital


First, thank you so much for your service to our country.  I just subscribed to your blog and you're so smart to be positioning yourself to hit the ground running when you return to Knoxville.  And this is one place where you can learn a whole lot!

May 28, 2009 07:04 AM
Lori Churchill Cofer
Beasley Realty - Pullman, WA
Realtor - 509-330-0086 - Pullman, WA
Nicholas, Absolute huge fan of fingers are crossed you can get all this worked out...what a great human interest story! Please stay safe!!!!
May 30, 2009 02:26 AM
Lori Isaacson
Credit Restoration Consultants - Plantation, FL

Nicholas- I am sorry I have first discovered your posts. They have had me mesmerized. As said many times before, Thank You for your service and bravery. You and your buddies are in my prayers!! I will be thinking of your wife at all times as well.

God Speed!!


Jun 09, 2009 06:38 AM
Pete Xavier
Investments to Luxury - Pacific Palisades, CA
Outstanding Agent Referrals-Nationwide

Well it's been a few years, hope you have done well.


Nov 13, 2012 03:56 PM