
New Agent in Iraq, as the story unfolds.

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty

Well, I posted a quick blog this morning as my first blog on AR, telling about my story as a brand new agent, first day on the job, and getting called back to active duty that very day.  I have had several people comment that they would like to see a routine blog about what it is like over here so here I am, ready to talk about the experience. 

First I will tell a little about myself.  I originally enlisted in 1999 as a Cavalry Scout into the Army Reserves.   I have spent most of my career as a Cavalry Scout instructor at Fort Knox, Ky.  I served one tour in 04-05 as a foreign army advisor to the Iraqi Army.  I lived, ate, slept, and worked day in and day out with the Iraqi's hardly ever even seeing other Americans.  Despite the conditions I really enjoyed the mission, and grew to respect my Iraqi counterparts.  Since then I came back and switched to Civil Affairs in hopes of getting to work with the Iraqi's again.

On the civilian side (again I am a reservist) I began working as an EMT-Baisc at several ambulance services and I graduated paramedic school.  Now anyone who is familiar with EMS knows that the pay and the hours suck!!! My wife (at the time my fiance') was sick of never seeing me so I decieded to move to big Knoxville, TN.  Once here I started working as a counselor at the Tennessee School for the Deaf until I could find something that I enjoy.  Finally I stumbelled upon Real Estate.  Several people told me that I would be really good at this line of work becuase I have good work ethics and love working with people.

And lastly as I mentioned in the other blog, I spent 5 months taking the classes and precepting at my job when I was finally released to become a fully licensed Realtor®. As my luck usually works, my very first day, at the end of what had promised to be a very good day, the Army called telling me that I was being activated to Iraq, and to report in less than two weeks.  So much for my great start.

So here starts the blog . . .I will continue tomorrow.

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Missy Caulk
Missy Caulk TEAM - Ann Arbor, MI
Savvy Realtor - Ann Arbor Real Estate

Nicholas, I subscibed to your blog from your first post and will continue to follow you. If you have a camera, add photos anytime. We would love to see shots from you.

May 25, 2009 01:32 AM
Margaret Woda
Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. - Crofton, MD
Maryland Real Estate & Military Relocation

Like Missy, I subscribed after reading your first blog and look forward to getting to know you as you get to know us. 

May 25, 2009 01:36 AM
Don Rogers
Keller Williams Realty Chesterfield - O'Fallon, MO
Realtor, Broker, CDPE, GRI, OnullFallon MO & St Charles County MO homes


I too have subscribe to your blog and looking forward to hearing about what you are experiencing over there day to day.  And as Missy has said, don't forget the photos.

Thank you sir for sharing your experiences with AR.

One last question, is there still a need for phone cards for the troops over there?

May 25, 2009 01:37 AM
Margo Currie
Exit 1 Stop Realty - Saint Augustine Beach, FL

Hi Nicholas. Thank you for your service, and stay safe. I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you keep us posted on your experiences in Iraq. My niece is on her second tour over there with the Fires Brigade. She graduated from WVU with a degree in journalism, worked a few years, and enlisted. Her enlistment is almost up, and actually ends while she's in Iraq. We keep in touch through e-mails, but we're all anxiously awaiting her return! In the meantime, keep blogging and I'll keep reading.

May 25, 2009 01:40 AM
Nicholas Bush
Keller Williams Realty - Knoxville, TN

Again thanks for the support, this is the most communication I have had with prople (other than soldiers) in a while, it is very refreshing.  As for Mr. Rogers, it really depends on the soldier and where they are at.  When I was in Baghdad on a really nice base that had wireless internet in our living quarters, I suscribed to unlimited calling with Skype and there was really no need for it.  Also some units have more access than other to satellite phones which eliminates the need for cards.  However some soldiers only get access to AT$T phone centers and other similiar types of places that do need cards.  So it really depends on who you are sending too. 

If you are looking to send some in general check out  They have a link on there for donating phone cards and it is usually one of the best deals and accepted at the majority of phone centers.

Thanks to all that support the military, we could not do this without you.

May 25, 2009 01:42 AM
Tina Allen
Exit Realty Tri-County - Mount Dora, FL

Wow...I am so excited to follow your posts.  I will be subscribing also.  My step-son is in Iraq right now too.  This is his first tour and it has been a roller coaster of emotions.  I have written many posts on here about my step-son.  Feel free to check them out.  The support and gracious comments from, what you will come to consider your Active Rain Family helps me immensely.  Thank You for your bravery and service.

May 25, 2009 01:43 AM
Terry Miller
Miller Homes Group - Tyler, TX
Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator

Bless you and be carefull. You are one great fellow and business will wait for you.

May 25, 2009 02:13 AM
Dana Wilkinson
Connect Realty, The Woodlands, TX - The Woodlands, TX
Broker-Your TX agent for The Woodlands-Spring-Conr

I am signing up for your blog as well.  It will be interesting to follow and hear what you have to say.  Take good care of yourself so you can become a TOP PRODUCING agent one of these days!

May 25, 2009 02:35 AM
Kim Peasley-Parker
AgentOwned Realty, Heritage Group, Inc. - Sumter, SC

Nicholas- I have also subscribed to your blog.  Thank you for sharing.  I bet the communication with others seems great.  I remember a friend over there and he happened to send me an email while I was online.  We went back and forth for several hours as he seemed starved to "talk" to someone. 

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you.  There are some groups for military familes and relocation, you might want to check those out.

May 25, 2009 04:39 AM
Mike Eddy
Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Wailea, HI
Maui Real Estate Broker

Nicholas - I too have subscribed to your blog and I feel it should be featured in the AR Newbies group, so I have flagged it accordingly. Let us know if there is every anything we can do to make your journey more tolerable. Be safe.

United States Army Reserve Medical Corpsman 1969 - 1975
Firefighter/EMT-D First Responder
Realtor - Now residing on the beach in Maui :-)


May 25, 2009 06:28 AM
Susan Haughton
Long and Foster REALTORS (703) 470-4545 - Alexandria, VA
Susan & Mindy Team...Honesty. Integrity. Results.

Nicholas!  Welcome!!  This is a great community where you will find tons of great advice and loads of support.  First of all, thanks for your service; I have nothing but the highest level of respect for what you are doing.  My husband is an SF guy, has spent his share of time overseas and enjoyed all of his missions. 

We moved to the DC area in 2004;  I didn't know anyone, didn't know where anything was and had to use GPS to get home from the grocery store.  I still managed to do quite well in real estate and ended up being "rookie of the year" for my office.  It can be done! 

Where are you in Iraq?   

May 25, 2009 06:45 AM
Carol Smith
Casmi Photography - Mebane, NC

Nicholas - You mentioned the EMS business and I had to chuckle.  I did that job for 17 years until an out of control family member of a patient decided that I needed my neck broken.  Most people don't realize just how stressful that type of career can be on a relationship.  My heart is with ya!

If there is anything that you or your fellow soldiers need from the states just post it here on AR and you can bet there will be many offers of help.  That's what family does.  :)

Be careful, be safe, be well and be happy knowing you just found an extended family of more than 145,000.  LOL

May 25, 2009 09:57 AM
Andrea Swiedler
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties - New Milford, CT
Realtor, Southern Litchfield County CT

Hello again Nicholas, keep posting! When my husbands ballet student / marine (yes, I am not kidding about that) was deployed to Iraq, we got some interesting emails and pictures, when he could. He would let us know what he needed, such as books, etc., and we did our best! So, Carol is right, tell us what you need and your NEW family will do their best.

Stay safe and keep blogging! Thank you for what you do.

May 25, 2009 11:01 AM
Bill Somerset
Re/Max Realty Group - Dover, NH
ABR, e-PRO - Realtor - NH Real Estate Agent

Hi Nicholas.  Thank you for serving in the forces.  Welcome to the Active Rain community.

May 26, 2009 04:01 AM
Don Rogers
Keller Williams Realty Chesterfield - O'Fallon, MO
Realtor, Broker, CDPE, GRI, OnullFallon MO & St Charles County MO homes


I have had a son over there and we (our office) were able purchase the cards from aafes and they were best suited for use over there and quite reasonable.  Let me know if you hear of a soldier(s) that may need some help and I will see what we can get going again.  Maybe this time from the AR family.

May 26, 2009 12:37 PM
Bruce Brockmeier
Internet Marketing Consultant to REALTORS® - Yorba Linda, CA
Coached By Crouch

Hi Nicholas,

You've got a new subscriber.

P.S.  I like your new picture!

May 26, 2009 02:34 PM
Steven L. Smith
King of the House Home Inspection, Inc. - Bellingham, WA
Bellingham WA Home Inspector


That is an interesting situation. I know that happens to reservists. I am sure that, before you are done, you will get to do some real estate work.

May 26, 2009 02:37 PM
Ginger Moore

Hi Nicholas,

Just wanted to thank you for your service to our great country! Thank you and all the soldiers for keeping us safe.  Without young men like you, our country would be in devastation. I will pray for your safe return!  May God Bless you and all of our troops, wherever they may be.  I will follow your blog. Thank you for letting us view military life. Please post pictures  from time to time. I enjoy seeing them.

Warm regards,

Ginger Moore  

Jun 03, 2009 12:39 AM