This Memorial Day was just an awesome day. Lazy . . . yes. Food? Yes. Muggy-but-not-to-hot weather with some moisture laden clouds here and there with a rumble of thunder. Some sun streaking through the clouds heating things up, then cloud cover again.
We had done our celebrating yesterday and Saturday. We had a picnic at our church and during service on Sunday, our Pastor had everyone who served in some capacity in the military stand up. I was in proud company even though I was a weekend warrior from '82 - '86. We each were given time to state the branch of service, years served and where while we were honored with a round of applause. (I could no longer fit into my dress greens because I have gained 40 pounds from the time I wore the uniform).
Today as we were fixing some lunch at the house, my step son's mother called on her way back from Bel Air to tell us that there were military helocopters flying over our house. We ran outside onto the back porch and looked up.
Four Black Hawk helocopters from Aberdeen Proving Grounds were flying directly over our house. They were doing a flyover of Bel Air, Edgewood, Forest Hill, Aberdeen, Belcamp, Jarrettsville, Fallston, Baldwin, Darlington and Abingdon.
Is there anyone here that made it to Aberdeen today for Memorial Day?
Just as we went out the back door, the sound of these beautiful beasts tore through the peacful day. They were flying in two-by-two formation and they were close enough to the ground you could see the outline around the bay doors. My stepson was in awe! (He's 15 years old and loves military history).
It is really humbling to realize the sacrifices these men and women in uniform give to be of service to their country. I would really like to see our leaders not take them for granted.
God Bless each and every one of these men and women who much more than a mention and a prayer on a weekend in May every year. They are your sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles, grandfathers and grandmothers, brothers and sisters.
They are your family.