
What I Would Give to Hand Customers 2002 in Real Estate Again

Real Estate Agent with Prudential Caruthurs

As most of you well know, it gets a little depressing when you read in the news and on blog posts that there is a "second wave" of foreclosures coming.  Yeah, yeah . . . just cut to the chase and give me the bad news.

It is even more depressing when customer after customer is putting their home on the market, not because they feel like selling, but because they HAVE to.

How am I, as a real estate agent, looked upon as someone who is going to answer their prayers of profit and bring them back to the 2003 boom, going to tell them, "sorry kid . . . the bank has to approve this sale.  Thanks for the granite counter tops and the Jen Aire range but you are still short $43,000"?

Another listing, another short sale potential and I know these people.  I am fighting, fighting, fighting to make sure they can have this sale quickly at the price that will afford them at least enough for a 1st month and security deposit.

Where are the bailouts for these people?  These people did not buy a house they couldn't afford.  These people had their businesses wiped out from under them when the construction industry dredged creek bottom.  They USED to HAVE an income!

Before people start getting angry and start heading to washington with pitchforks and torches, let me tell you how these people are handling this.

There are some people that are dealing with one of the most crushing blows of their lives, as a chance for a fresh start.

Some people are looking at this as "maybe we are putting too much importance in material things."  They are looking at this a a chance to step back, take a deep breath and get back to who they are and why they are here.  They have faith that although disapointing, an answer is coming.  They were supposed to have been "somewhere else."

I am going to work my tail off to find these people a qualified, motivated buyer while at the same time hoping that something happens where they can withdrawl their home off the market.  There are more important things in live then a nice house in the woods with a 20' x 40' deck.   There are more important things in life than getting another commission on another potential ship wreck.

Ralph Gorgoglione
Metro Life Homes - Palm Springs, CA
California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407

Very true.

It can be very depressing to see people continuously losing their homes.

But you can find just a little redemption in knowing that this whole time is creating a "cleansing" period for people.

May 27, 2009 06:13 PM
Irene Kennedy Realtor® in Northwestern NJ
Weichert - Lopatcong, NJ


I love your attitude and your post.  While I sometimes find it tough to break the bad news to owners in trouble, finding some solution always makes it worthwhile.

Hope this one sells quickly!

May 28, 2009 05:29 AM
Bonnie Cox
Prudential Caruthurs - Bel Air, MD

Hi Ralph,

Thank you . . . I think that the "cleansing" period is really little consolation to folks who are in trouble with their home.  However, we as agents can probably talk that one owner into holding on a little longer, knowing this market will not last forever.

Irene,  thank you for the well wishes . . .so do I!    It is tough to break the bad news to customers.  Even more so when they are friends of yours.  :o)  Keep the faith!

May 29, 2009 04:25 PM