Q: What's better than a new theme on Thursday?
A: Scotch. And also, infinite new themes.
I'm pleased to introduce our latest (and greatest!) theme: Chameleon. It's not much to look at on the surface. But like the crafty creature with whom it shares its namesake, there's far more than meets the eye. A leopard can change its spots, and you can now completely redecorate your Outside Blog — Chameleon supports complete and transformative customization via CSS.
After selecting the Chameleon theme, you'll notice a new "CSS Styling" menu item. This allows you to provide custom CSS which will be used to beautify your existing Outside Blog. As a bonus, you also have access to your uploaded header and sidebar images. Simply use {{ header_image_url }} and {{ sidebar_image_url }} — these special tokens will be automatically converted to URLs.
Is this theme incredibly geeky? Yes. Writing CSS requires a high level of competency in web development. Can you use this theme without knowing anything about CSS? Yes! As people start to develop and share themes, you'll be able to spruce up your Outside Blog without lifting a finger. Know a "tech guy"? Ask for some help tweaking the appearance of your Outside Blog. Looking to go hog wild? Hire a local developer to craft a custom design for you.
Chameleon is still in beta. HTML in overhead bins may shift during the flight. Documentation is non-existent. But a mountain is climbed one step at a time, assuming you don't have a helicopter. You now have the unprecedented ability to harness the incredible power of an Outside Blog while simultaneously maintaining your own unique look and feel. Enjoy!