
"Iraq, the Story Unfolds" - I Made it to Iraq

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty

Okay so this part of the story will probably be more boring than the rest.  Last time I left of with me in Kuwait.  As I stated before I stayed there for approx. two weeks.  Things did not run as smooth for me as most becuase my unit was already in Iraq.  I was running about two weeks behind them since I had to go get that specialized training in Fort Huachuca.  Since I was running behind that meant that I did not have guarenteed transportation, lodging, and other amenities that whole units get when coming through.  Basically when you have a unit of several dozen to several hundred coming through everyone is tracking it closely, aircrafts are scheduled to transport, camps set aside enough lodging.  When you come through by yourself, you basically hitch-hike for transportation, and try to squeeze into some transiet loding tents if there is room.

   Anyway, I did make it through Kuwait, I finally got an aircraft from Kuwait into Baghdad, where my unit was waiting for me.  I had been waiting to actually get started so long that despite my being up all night trying to catch flights, when I finally landed I just found a place to drop off my bags and went straight to the office to begin work.

   Now this is why I said this blog would be the most boring . . . my last deployment was full of excitement, lived outside the wire with 150 Iraqi soldiers and ZERO Americans.  I went on patrols almost everyday.  I conducted multiple cordon searches and snatch and grab missions with the Iraqis.  I had a nice assortment of missions and very climatic moments.  This tour . . .well lets just say that I am stuck behind a desk.  My family loves the fact that now at 3 months here I still have not left the wire.  I probably will not ever go outside the wire, and it drives me crazy.  I have spent 10 years in the army as a scout riding in a Bradley Fighting Vehicle, now Im in an office, riding in a rolling chair.  Yeah, I have a fancy title, "Electronic Warfare Officer,"  but I am going crazy.

    Anyway from where I left off: I landed in Baghdad, found my office, and well . . .i dont have anything really interesting to tell other than that.  I have moved since then to another base, and it is equally as boring here.  The only part of my job that is interesting is getting to see all the intelligence reports on whats going on outside the wire.  Getting to see what technology that the enemy is using against us.  Getting to see what kind of technology that we are using against them.  But obviously the most interesting part of my job . . .I cannot post here . .or anywhwere else for that matter.

   I will continue to blog about events that happen, events in my life, or anything else that you all may find interesting.  At this time I am now at a loss for words . .Maybe I will tell you all about the part of my life working on the ambulance . . .(Now that was more dangerous than this deployment).  Or maybe about my last tour as there is alot I can talk about there.  But for now . . .I think this is it.  Just simple little SGT Bush, in Iraq, behind the very desk that I am typing from right now.

   This blog will be continued . . .after some brainstorming on what you all might want to hear.


For now . . good night

Nick Bush

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Konnie Mac McCarthy
MacNificent Properties, LLC - Cobb Island, MD
Broker/Owner - VA & MD "Time To Get A Move On!"

Well, If I were your family I'd be glad you were stuck behind a desk to.... stay safe...and keep blogging...makes for interesting reading. :)

May 29, 2009 04:11 AM
Robert Rauf
CMG Home Loans - Toms River, NJ

Nicholas, First and Foremost, THANK YOU!

and as boring as it is, I can understand why your family is happy you are rolling around on a desk chair!  Stay safe, and come home soon!

May 29, 2009 04:15 AM
Geri Sonkin
Douglas Elliman Real Estate 516-457-7103 - Merrick, NY
Long Island Real Estate & Staging Expert

Save the excitement for when you come home and start your real estate career.  For now, if I were your family, I'd be praying for continued boredom for you.  Use the time to blog and learn and keep safe.

May 29, 2009 04:19 AM
Jo Olson
HOMEFRONT Realty - Kettle Falls, WA
Retired - HOMEFRONT Realty @ LAKE Roosevelt

Nick, I am excited to read your "travels"! I so can relate to your family's feelings about your position behind the desk. My husband has been to Iraq twice and was attached to an EOD unit both times - well and other units I guess I couldn't know about. Sitting behind a desk he would have the same feelings as you.  Be safe and let us know if you need anything!

May 29, 2009 04:20 AM
Carol Smith
Casmi Photography - Mebane, NC

Nick - I am so glad to read your posts.  They have become a source of daily information with a perspective that is not shared through conventional media.  I understand that your position limits you as to what you can speak about and I thank you for taking that position seriously.  Sitting behind that desk may be frustrating, but your job is as important as any position 'outside the wire' and under fire.  Keep those blogs coming.  We are all pulling for you!

May 29, 2009 06:38 AM
Don Rogers
Keller Williams Realty Chesterfield - O'Fallon, MO
Realtor, Broker, CDPE, GRI, OnullFallon MO & St Charles County MO homes

Good afternoon sir,

As I was reading thru your post I was a little surprised to hear you call yourself "little Sgt. Bush".  I would not consider you little, all of our service men and women are giants in my eyes.  Thanks for the daily updates.

May 29, 2009 07:48 AM
Andrew Rios
Palm Springs, CA

Thank you for serving, even if its behind a desk its still work being put in for the United States. I just found your blog but I will be subscribing to it so I can see what occurs in your tour

May 29, 2009 10:31 AM
Andrea Swiedler
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties - New Milford, CT
Realtor, Southern Litchfield County CT

Hi Nick! Well, first of all, as a mother and one who went through hell when our "dancing Marine" was over there, I am very very happy you are bored sitting at a desk. And I know full well what you do is just as important... so....

Take the time to learn all you can, and keep blogging! Even if you want to ask questions, start some type of ebook for yourself, follow favorite bloggers here, whatever! We are here for you, and we do expect you to sit at that desk keeping other safe, and KEEPING YOURSELF SAFE!

I will be back for more!

May 29, 2009 10:37 AM
Debbie Walsh
SHAHAR Management - Middletown, NY
Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036

Nick-Your family must be so glad that you are "bored out of your mind."  I know I would be!  Thank you for giving of yourself for us all back home.   Would love to hear what the weather is like there, what you do on a daily basis and what you have seen in your travels.  Basically anything you care to blog about.  So carry on!  Be safe!


May 29, 2009 11:22 AM
Marchel Peterson
Results Realty - Spring, TX
Spring TX Real Estate E-Pro

Nicholas, Your deployments sound very similar to our sons.  He just got back from Iraq in March and got out of the Army May 2nd.  His first deployment was in Hit which is Northwest of Ramadi.  He is an Intelligence Analyst but was low man on the totem pole so pulled guard duty all the time.  They were mortared the entire time he was there.  He would tell me they were rotten shots but that doesn't do much to make a Mom feel comforted.  His last tour sounds very much like your tour now.  He was actually fairly busy until last fall when things were handed over to the Iraqis.  After that he might has well been playing tiddly winks.  Now I was comforted that he was rolling around in a chair but he was just plain bored.  I understand how your family feels though; all I can say is DITTO.

I can tell you that your family is feeling HUGE relief to have you rolling around in a chair!!

May 29, 2009 03:31 PM
Brian Kuhns
Coldwell Banker Roth Wehrly Graber - Fort Wayne, IN
Fort Wayne Real Estate by Brian Kuhns

Thanks for the update Nick, take the time to read up on some blogs, go over purchase agreements, listings agreements whatever you can to pass the time if you're "stuck behind a desk"...with nothing else to do...regardless thanks for your service to our country!!

May 29, 2009 04:43 PM
Kim Peasley-Parker
AgentOwned Realty, Heritage Group, Inc. - Sumter, SC

Thanks for the update Nick.  Though it might seem boring, I am sure you are playing a vital role for our troops that are in the theatre.  Take care and keep blogging.

May 30, 2009 10:01 AM
Fran Gatti
RE/MAX Integrity - Medford, OR
Managing Principal Broker - RE/MAX Integrity


I'm with your family. Sometimes boring is good.  I have a veteran son who is struggling with PTSD.  I pray, pray and pray some more.

God Bless,


May 31, 2009 01:32 PM