Tomatoes, peaches, canteloupe, corn.... Looking for fresh fruits, vegetables, or plants? Visit the Farmer's Market at Rockwall's Downtown Square. The market is set-up in the parking lot of the Historic Courthouse located at Hwy. 66 and 205. The market will be open on Saturdays now thru September 26th between 8:00 am and noon. (Please note: the Farmer's Market will be closed May 30th for Founder's Day, July 4th, and September 19 for Aspasians Fair.)
It's a fun place to shop! Bring your family and friends, shop the Farmer's Market and shop the boutiques on the Square. You can even enjoy a great lunch on the Square!
Signature Style Staging provides home staging and redesign services to clients in Collin, Dallas, Hunt and Rockwall counties.