
Rockwall Farmer's Market

Home Stager with Signature Style Staging





Tomatoes, peaches, canteloupe, corn.... Looking for fresh fruits, vegetables, or plants? Visit the Farmer's Market at Rockwall's Downtown Square. The market is set-up in the parking lot of the Historic Courthouse located at Hwy. 66 and 205. The market will be open on Saturdays now thru September 26th between 8:00 am and noon. (Please note: the Farmer's Market will be closed May 30th for Founder's Day, July 4th, and September 19 for Aspasians Fair.)

It's a fun place to shop! Bring your family and friends, shop the Farmer's Market and shop the boutiques on the Square. You can even enjoy a great lunch on the Square!





Signature Style Staging


Signature Style Staging provides home staging and redesign services to clients in Collin, Dallas, Hunt and Rockwall counties.

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Sheila Kennedy
J29 Project - Rochester, NY

Hi Nancy - I was just telling my husband that I was going to start visiting our local farmers market - it seems like a great alternative to the grocery store and I love being able to support local farmers. 

May 30, 2009 03:18 PM
Nancy Robertson
Signature Style Staging - Dallas, TX

Hi, Sheila!  The local farmers' market is a great alternative to the grocery store and the produce is FRESHER!

May 31, 2009 06:56 AM