OK I'm fed up right now. I just don't want to take it any more. That is how I feel. I know I'm not alone but let's step up and try to do something. What? I don't know yet but something. Where are people's minds? I know when they bought that cute little kitten or puppy they must have loved it. They were cute and cuddle. They fed it, played with it, hopefully took it to the vets on a regular basis. And yet, when they are facing eviction, foreclosure or what ever, they never give a thought to what they are going to do with the pet that loves them so very unconditionally. It's not like one day your life is going well and the next you are out on the street. You have been given notice. Even if it is only 30 days. And yet it seems the last thing you give thought to is your pet. I know right now a lot of shelters are full, rescue groups are brimming over, but where there is a will there is a way. Why in the world would you go off and just let your pet be locked up in your house where there is no food, water, the heating or air conditioner isn't working due to the electricity being cut off and not a person around? What in the world were you thinking? That it is better to leave that animal locked up without anyone to care for it, than to take it to someone that would? Is your mind set that if you can't have it no one else can?
I don't know where your mind is but I do know one thing. You are not a good person at all. There is a very old saying, "A society is measured by how it treats it's old people, children and animals. Well you just flunked out of the human race.
It is so totally unfair that the person that the person who must go in and inspect your home after you vacate is faced by tiring to salvage what you have caused. How many starving animals have Realtors found? How many scared and lonely pets have they had to rescue? I am shocked that you didn't leave your children behind also. I don't want to hear any more that you couldn't find a place to rent that would take animals. That is such a flimsy excuse.
Animals (pets) love us when no one else will. They don't care how we look or sound. They don't care what your religion is or isn't. They don't care about your politics or what your profession is. All they care about is giving you love and in return all they ask for is a little food and care.
Let me end this rant with this. SHELTER! RESCUE GROUP! GIVE AWAY!