Hooray , we just signed our 6th Plan Design Agreement in last 5 weeks in a nearly dead new home market ! Our latest Plan Design Agreement , was signed up last Saturday , May 30th , by my new home salesperson , Pat Cordova CGP , after working with these customers for 18 long months ! We were actively bidding against 2 other local builders , but we got the job because the other 2 builders poopooed Green / Energy Star building and didn't offer a 12 year Insured RWC Warranty ! We showed our customers the benefits of Green / Energy Star building and told them we plan on designing their home to score minimum Gold Level Green under the newly approved National Green Building Standards through the NAHB Green Building Program . Last December , we completed our 1st Gold Level Green home under the previous NAHB Green Building Guidelines and we're getting our 2nd Gold Level Green Home certified next week by an independent 3rd party verifier .
At Ed Nikles Custom Builder , Inc. & Green Country Homes , we obviously know Green / Energy Star building isn't a fad , but we're glad our local competition thinks so ! When the Pike County Builders Association offered the Certified Green Professional (CGP) certification courses a year ago , neither builder bothered to attend the 3 days of classes ! Don't they understand how important Green / Energy Star building is to today's consumer ? Did they forget when gas was over $4.00 per gallon just a few short months ago ! Didn't the other builders notice gas prices just went up , again , over 20% in the past few weeks ? Why did they tell the customer Green / Energy Star isn't a big deal and that they build efficient (non-verified) homes too ! Why didn't they talk about indoor air quality when the customer works in the health industry ? We'll probably never know for sure , but we're glad they are just happy building to the minimum IRC code ! What advantages are you seeing in your markets from builders who offer Green / Energy Star building as an option or as a standard practice ?
Keepin' it Green ! Edward D. Nikles CGP , CAPS , GMB , CGB , CGR
view my website at http://www.ednikles.com or blog at http://blog.ednikles.com
view my website at http://www.greencountryhomes.com or blog at http://blog.greencountryhomes.com