Today I was at a wonderful all day Technology Fair that had one speaker that was just amazing! His name is Dan Schawbel. He has written a book, published a magazine and is employed by EMC Corp in MA as the Social Networking Director. You have to pick up his book about personal branding! What a bright young man! HE IS A GENIUS! Anyway, after talking I realize that branding is key (as well as blogging!). If you have a chance please try to find his book. I ordered my copy today at Barnes & Noble - Me 2.0: Build a Powerfu,l Brand to Achieve Careet Success.
Dan Schawbel is the leading personal branding expert for Gen-Y. He is the author of the bestselling career book, "Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success (Kaplan, April 2009)." With over 150,000 results for his name in Google, Fast Company calls Dan a "personal branding force of nature." He is the founder of the award winning Personal Branding Blog®, publisher of Personal Branding Magazine®, head judge for the Personal Brand Awards® and director of Personal Branding TV®.