It is so frustrating debating these days and I often wonder how people keep their cool doing it.
Investment advisers often tell their clients to not get emotional about their investments. For good reason, the emotion clouds judgment and makes it more difficult to get out of a bad investment. To be a successful investor, one must be able to remain neutral with regards to their investments so that they can see and judge them clearly and without bias.
This is how citizens should act too. Our policies and the politicians who make them are all investments. We hope that they perform, however when they don't , we can fire them.
The problem, now, is that the politicians and parties have turned this into a cult of personality and Obama is the culmination of years of this game.
How can we honestly evaluate and critique our leaders when we cannot see them and their actions clearly?
In this forum, it is common to read canned responses to insightful questions. There are some people in here who would rather bring up past president's mistakes to justify the current president's mistakes. Clearly, these are people more interested in winning an argument than on having an educated discussion with the common goal of fixing our nation's woes. Rather than stopping the bleeding we are all arguing about who made the wound.
I am sure we have all heard the phrase "divide and conquer". That is exactly what the power elite have done. When seen clearly the two parties have both failed us miserably. They basically do the same stuff just with a different rhetoric. We have been divided into two political parties and we have definitely been conquered as a questioning public.
Too many people here are too quick to argue and very slow to debate. Too quick to fight and too slow to reason. Too quick to take a side and too slow to try to eliminate them. Too quick to see differences and too slow to see similarities.
I predict that we will all see the Libertarian party emerge as the biggest benefactor of the Obama presidency. The Republicans have lost many members because of their social platform and their inability, under Bush, to reign in spending and manage immigration. In other words the Republican party has shown their true selves to do whatever they need to to grab power, just like the Democrats. This is the second time in history this has happened. Democrats used to be the conservative party. I digress. The point is that a Republican is a party and not an ideal. Their platform changes because it is not based on any foundation anymore. Democrats are really no different.
Many will leave the two party system and flee to a party thats major belief is to limit the power of government. After the government consistently failing us over many decades and many presidents it is the thinking people who are leaving their parties and going Libertarian.
In the end, I am confident that Obama will prove to be just like the rest. He is already changing his position and revealing that he lied, numerous times, to get the Presidency. Thinking democrats will soon realize that their party, too, has abandoned them, just as Republicans are realizing. Once we realize that our leaders consistently abuse our trust and appeal to our emotions because they can no longer appeal to our brains, we will all ditch this two party, conquer and divide system.
Divest yourselves from the party (or the man) and invest yourselves in the country.