Twin Cities MN REO Boot Camps
Rehab Investors --- Rehab Investors --- Rehab Investors
Buying or looking to buy REO Bank Foreclosures to Rehab in the Minneapolis / St Paul, MN Metro area need to check out the Twin Cities MN REO Boot Camps!!!
What you will learn:
- Why work with an asset management real estate team and what an asset management team means to you
* Presented by top REO Assets Management Team members
- What GREAT Investor Rehab Mortgage Loans are available for purchasing REO Rehab Bank Foreclosures here in the Minneapolis / St Paul, MN Metro area
* Presented by Dax Dickson or Matt Bartlett of The Commercial Finance Store
- How to avoid the mistakes rehab investors make when doing construction
1.) Where to spend a little extra when rehabbing a home to sell
2.) Where to save money when rehabbing to rent
* Presented by contractors our clients know and trust
If you are interested in attending please email for availability of dates, times and location for various REO Rehab Boot Camps!
Dax Dickson
The Commercial Finance Store
Learn more about commercial mortgage loan programs available in the Minneapolis & St Paul, MN Metro area that can help those looking to secure purchase rehab mortgage loans for properties that do not qualify for programs like private/hard money loans or the FHA 203K rehab mortgage loan.