T-Minus... oh, wait! The countdown is over. Today marks the official debut of "Mr. Gotham's World "on Active Rain.
During the past 10 or so days I have started more than 15 different posts searching for the "right" one to inaugurate this site. Some were funny. Some were smart. And, some were both funny and smart.
However, nothing I wrote captured the enormity of the excitement, fear and pride that I am currently experiencing, so I decided to just briefly "shoot from the hip." The excitement and fear reflect my feelings about beginning and continuing this new venture. It's like the first day of school all over again: "Are people going to like me? What if they don't? Aw man, these socks matched at home! Did I brush my teeth? I wonder what's for lunch?" And, I'm proud that I am finally blogging, something I have unsuccessfully tried to do for years.
There are no expectations for this blog to be anything other than it is: a record of my journey to blog daily about my ideas, experiences and growth as a Realtor. And, while hubris was not the driving force behind the title; "Mr. Gotham's World" conveys, more accurately than I first realized, a cohesive vision for my first foray into the blogosphere.
It is a vehicle, enabling me to express my personal views on real estate, technology and an assortment of other local topics (Kansas City, Overland Park and Leawood) and national topics. It is a forum, for those who happen to discover it, to discuss and debate with intensity, intelligence and respect. And, it is an organic medium; growing, evolving and consistently improving.
In its current form, "Mr. Gotham's World" may seem remedial. There are no fancy graphics, no nifty buttons and no advertisements. However, as my knowledge of CSS, html and other tools expands, so will the features and capabilities of this site. Any criticism, insight or other help with this aspect of the blog is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for joining me for the official debut of "Mr. Gotham's World"... albeit without fireworks, fanfare or fuss. Hopefully, at least once during the next 365 days, everyone will take the opportunity to return, read and comment.
As always, feel free to follow me on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com): @GothamRealtyGrp (http://www.twitter.com/GothamRealtyGrp) or @MrGotham (http://www.twitter.com/MrGotham). For access to homes in Kansas City, Overland Park. Leawood and more..., 24 hours a day, visit http://www.GothamRealtyGroup.com.