
Portrait of a Platinum Selling Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Agent with Van Eaton & Romero, Inc

There are people who are consistently able to transcend outward circumstances and rise above it all.

I am going to write about a friend who has demonstrated complete resistance to the downturn of the real estate market everywhere. 

She is a mother of four and has been married for twenty nine years. Her name is Penny McGehee

Platinum Selling Agent for the firm Van Eaton & Romero, Inc.  in Lafayette, Louisiana.

When I met her six years ago, she had just started being an agent. She is one of the few people who has consistently performed and delivered.  Below are her main attributes.

  1. She knows how to set priorities. Her priority is her family, her husband, children and her mother. She always makes time for them.
  2. She loves what she does. When she is at work, she has her whole focus on the work that needs to be done.
  3. She delegates tasks. It is seldom that one does not need help in this business and she knows how to hire the best people who can help her.
  4. She follows up. Whatever it is that she starts, she follows up to completion
  5. She makes the phone calls. We all know that in this business being in touch with the clients is vital. She calls and makes that extra phone call for the day.
  6. She always returns phone calls. Amazingly, she calls back even if to say I will get back to you with regard to...when I have more information
  7. She keeps her clients happy and they come back and refer her to others. Her clients always feel that they are her only client.
  8. She sends greetings for major holidays she keeps in touch with her former clients. She has the personal touch and reminds clients of herself and her services during major holidays.
  9. She respects her time with friends family. She turns off the phone when she has lunch with me.
  10. One feels immediately at ease in her presence. When one is with her they feel special.
  11. She never feels competitive towards others. She is always ready to help other agents. She knows that making others successful contributes to her success as well without even thinking about it.
  12. She is very generous of her talent but acutely aware of her limited time. While she is willing to help, she also knows that each of us has the same amount of time and her time clock is internal. She is driven to accomplish what she set for herself.
  13. She does not hesitate to say "I am sorry" If she messes, she fesses. I know of no other person who is so willing to admit an error if there was one.
  14. She knows when to take a break. She takes time off of her schedule for "self maintenance."
  15. She lives life to the fullest. Whatever she does, whether she is volunteering for her daugther's group or playing poker or just having lunch with a friend, or watching the ball game, it is always with complete delight. One feels delighted just to share her activities.
  16. She knows the market conditions very well and is up to date on what would serve her clients at the moment.

  17. She tells the truth no matter if that is not what the clients want to hear.

  18. She is trustworthy and trusts others. She maintains strict confidence with her clients and friends.

  19. She works for her client's best interest and not hers. She tells the clients as things are and allows them to decide for themselves

  20. She shares her victories and is undaunted by her defeats. A winner is a winner not because they win every time but because they win a greater number of times and they consistently strive despite setbacks.

  21. She opens her life up to all that want to enter. A most loving, generous and caring person.

  22. She expects nothing but loyalty in return.

  23. Above all else, she is authentic and is genuinely aware of herself, her strengths, her limitations, her weakenesses and she is free from the attachment to any of those. She is one person who lives in the moment. Bravo, Penny.

Every realtor wants to be a successful realtor. In the final analysis, each one of us has to utilize his/her own unique talents to be successful at anything we do. 

Success is an internal mechanism. The outside is only a reflection of what goes on inside.

© 2009 by Melinda M. Sorensson

Note: There are several Platinum Selling Agents at Van Eaton & Romero, Inc. . I am able to write about Penny because she gave me permission to do so, as a friend.