
"Iraq - The Story Unfolds" -- Beat the Heat

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty

Well here is a blog by popular demand.  This one should be short and sweet. 

     I have had several people ask me about the heat in Iraq, the first thing I want to say is that it is ******* HOT!!!!  Here's the sad part, its only June 4th.  When I got here in March it was around 85 during the day time and down in the 40's and 50's at night.  Now as we get closer and closer to the peak months it is already  darn near un-bearable.  Last week we had a high of 122.  I hear that the peak temperature for where I am at will get to be between 135 and 140.  Its kinda funny, the other day I had called my wife in Tennessee and she slipped with a little comment "Man its hot here today".  So of course I pop right back asking just how hot it was and she states "85".  Man I wish the temperature would get that low at night. 

     I was lucky during my last deployment, I was initially in Mosul.  The northern most major city in Iraq.  I think during the summer it got up to about 110, and during the winter it had actually snowed.  In fact the Iraqi's that I was training up there were all originally from Baghdad and when it snowed, they had went crazy.  Many of them had never seen snow in their whole life.  Talk about an experience.  It was nice land, rolling hills, lots of vegitation.  Now this time, hot - hot - and more hot.  Nothing but baren flat land.

     Now as far as beating the heat, its simple . . .dont go in it.  Well obviously that one is hard to do but talk about learning how to drink lots of water.  I go through approx 100-130 oz of water on slow days.  On days I have to spend time outside I probably drink 150-200.  Not to mention that we have to alternate this with gaterade to ensure proper electrolyte balances. 

     Spend any time with the army and you will learn that the army has one cure all answer for any problems.  Drink water.   you have a headache - drink water . . .you foot hurts - drink water . .ect ect ect.  I think what they are actually preparing you for your whole career is for when you will end up in the desert.  So that anytime you have a problem you always remember - DRINK WATER.

    Oh and to answer a few questions I have seen, yes we have A/C in the tents and in the offices.  It is not great as you could imagine how hard it would be to combat this level of heat but it works.

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Andrea Swiedler
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties - New Milford, CT
Realtor, Southern Litchfield County CT

Nick, oh no, I hate the heat. When I lived in AZ the good news, if you were covered in sweat and a breeze came up, or you found a shady place, the perspiration on me actually made me cold! For a bit. But it wasn't that hot, ghesh.

So on top of telling you to stay safe, I will say, try to stay cool and...

Drink more water! (I would have a hard time with the Gator Aid, I can't stand that stuff, but if it were life saving I might drink it) I love water, so no problem there!

Jun 04, 2009 12:17 AM
Eric Villaverde
DoubleTree Home Inspection Services L.L.C. - Phoenix, AZ

I really do enjoy reading your blogs. Thanks for providing this information to us. I am constantly learning more and more as I read on AR. Keep up the great works.

Jun 04, 2009 12:30 AM
Michael Setunsky
Woodbridge, VA
Your Commercial Real Estate Link to Northern VA

Nicholas, thanks for the update. I'll remember not to complain when it gets in the 90's here. Does the military still make you take salt tablets? Keep safe.

Jun 04, 2009 12:31 AM
Laura Forty-Garcia
Your Central Florida Connection to Real Estate

My Brother in Law just returned from Iraq a couple of weeks ago.  I will keep my prayers for you and your Family.  I cannot relate to tolerating heat but I know that you are working hard to keep us safe and I am going to turn my A/C off more often so I can appreciate what I have, because of hard work our Service men provide.  Sorry to be all sappy but I do appreciate and care...

Jun 04, 2009 12:36 AM
Katiejo Franks
Real Estate and Beyond, LLC - Scottsdale, AZ

Great information in your post this morning. I really do enjoy readin your blogs. I find them filled with pertinent information. Keep up the great work.

Jun 04, 2009 12:36 AM
Gary L. Waters Broker Associate, Bucci Realty
Bucci Realty, Inc. - Melbourne, FL
Eighteen Years Experience in Brevard County

Miss your wife - drink water! I am sure the army doesn't say that!  Stay safe and keep posting.

Jun 04, 2009 12:47 AM
Judy Jennings
Top Agent Plus - Middleboro, MA
Tap into Judy's real estate expertise & resources.

Hi Nicholas - Wow, that is hot, hot and very hot. I imagine you would start seeing a mirage with that kind of heat intensity. I wish I could send some of the rain we have been having here to cool it down for you. Looking forward to your next post. Have a safe day.

Jun 04, 2009 01:08 AM
Brian Kuhns
Coldwell Banker Roth Wehrly Graber - Fort Wayne, IN
Fort Wayne Real Estate by Brian Kuhns

But it's a dry heat right? just Matthew Broderick put it in Biloxi Blues That's Africa Hot!! Stay Safe

Jun 04, 2009 02:31 AM
Larry Brewer - Benchmark Realty llc
Benchmark Realty LLc - Nashville, TN

IT was hot here in Nashville yesterday, but after reading your post, i won't complain again all summer. If it hasn't been said, thanks for what you do.

Jun 04, 2009 05:17 AM
Mike Eddy
Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Wailea, HI
Maui Real Estate Broker

Nicholas - More interesting stuff from Iraq, thanks for sharing and keep them coming. Be safe.


Jun 04, 2009 06:34 AM
Carol Smith
Casmi Photography - Mebane, NC

Nicholas - keep the stories coming.  It's a great way to help us civilians to understand just how much sacrifice is being made over there.  Stay safe, be well, and come home soon!

Jun 04, 2009 03:27 PM
Don Rogers
Keller Williams Realty Chesterfield - O'Fallon, MO
Realtor, Broker, CDPE, GRI, OnullFallon MO & St Charles County MO homes


When the temp gets to be that hot there is no place to go and really cool off and then the sand storms come and the fun starts.  Oh well drink water

Jun 04, 2009 09:55 PM
Patricia Kennedy
RLAH@properties - Washington, DC
Home in the Capital

Good grief, Nicholas!  That is hotter than Houston in August!  Glad you have some sort of air conditioning!

Jun 05, 2009 03:17 AM
Geri Sonkin
Douglas Elliman Real Estate 516-457-7103 - Merrick, NY
Long Island Real Estate & Staging Expert


I can't tolerate heat so I can't imagine how miserable it is for you in those kinds of temperatures.  Thank goodness you at least have air conditioning to get some relief from it.  I can't tell you how much I look forward to your updates.  Take care and . . . drink water!

Jun 05, 2009 03:52 AM
Marchel Peterson
Results Realty - Spring, TX
Spring TX Real Estate E-Pro

Nicholoas, I'm glad you are staying hydrated.  The A/C only worked part time on our son's first deployment but the second time I didn't hear complaints.  Here's hoping that you have a good A/C summer!

Jun 05, 2009 01:54 PM
Shannon Pope


Thanks for your service to our Country. I served in the Airforce seems like a 100 years ago and my Son is Active duty USMC he has served in the desert 4 different deployments and is currently at Pendelton as an instructor at SOI. While he was stationed in the desert he was surprised one morning by a camel spider (which is no spider at all) and decided he would keep this one as a pet named it squishy and fed it beef jerky, he says he felt safer at least knowing exactly where this one was. When he came home he was so acclimated to the 125-135 degree days that when it was 85 or 90 here after coming home he wasn't hot and griping he was actually very comfortable and kinda on the cool side. Stay Safe.

Jun 05, 2009 06:13 PM
Nicholas Bush
Keller Williams Realty - Knoxville, TN

Michael - No more salt tablets, that went out when the "victory punch" or gatorade, or sports drinks hit it big.  It is designed to replace the electrolytes in your system to keep you balanced.

Judy - Im not sure about the rain thing . . .ever see what happens when rain hits dirt, imagine a whole country of dirt/sand.  Turns this whole place into a big mudpuddle.  However the sandstorms while they are not fun to be in do drop the temp a bit. - Thanks

Shannon - Wow thats alot of deployments, I worked with an SOI instructor my last tour, alot of knowlege there, defanatly respect that.  As far as the camel spider, yeah anything with 8 legs that can numb your skin and eat you wile you sleep . . yeah I dont like them.  Always worried that I am going to wake up with one on me. 

All, yes the A/C is my savior here, thanks for the posts.

Jun 05, 2009 06:27 PM
Bryant Tutas
Tutas Towne Realty, Inc and Garden Views Realty, LLC - Winter Garden, FL
Selling Florida one home at a time

Nicholas, Just stopping by to check in on you. I have really been enjoying your blog. Good stuff. My son is an active Marine ande is just now finishing real estate school. Hopefully he'll be licensed pretty soon. Thanks for all you do and for giving us a peek at your life.

Jun 06, 2009 02:11 PM
Lori Churchill Cofer
Beasley Realty - Pullman, WA
Realtor - 509-330-0086 - Pullman, WA


Glad you are safe.....guess all that water keeps you safe too!

Jun 07, 2009 02:11 AM
Kim Peasley-Parker
AgentOwned Realty, Heritage Group, Inc. - Sumter, SC

Nick- Glad you are staying safe.  Stay cool.  And I thought SC was hot!!!! I know once you get up to those temps, humidity doesn't matter at all, it is HOT no matter how you put it.

Jun 12, 2009 03:56 AM