
Pool Safety

Home Inspector with National Property Inspections 16000006964


Fence around pool area

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in recent years an average of about 250 children under 5 years old drowned in pools nationwide annually. Most of these cases involved residential pools.

In order to ensure a safe pool environment and prevent drowning:

Fences and walls around the pool should be at least 4 feet high

Don't leave pool toys in the pool area that may attract young children to the water

A power safety cover can be used when the pool is not in use

Keep rescue equipment by the pool and a phone with emergency numbers posted

For above ground pools, steps and ladders to the pool should be secured and locked

For more information, go to U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

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CIA Home Inspection
CIA Home Inspection Service Home Inspector San Bernardino - Los Angeles, CA

This is a very informative post, Well done. Now if we could get seller to make needed repairs before listing their home for sale!


Sep 02, 2009 10:55 AM