
Laughter VS. Tears

Real Estate Agent with Exit Dynamic Realty

It happens to everyone, those moments that want to shake you, those times that make us question everything and everyone on our path.  But we are all smart enough to know that its LIFE, it happens, its OUR REACTIONS that change the outcome of triumph or disaster.

When a young graduate has the accomplishment of college under his belt, he can either celebrate and then move onto a career and success, or he can choose to sit on the couch everyday, going absolutely no where. If he chose the latter of the 2, then his accomplishment of graduating college means virtually nothing. His reaction to his accomplishments can make or break his future. 

Our reactions to EVERYTHING will decide our path, we will encounter things on ANY path, that aren't things we WANT to deal with but it is HOW we deal with them that determine WHO we are.  How do you want to be thought of?!  I want to be that person that when adversity arrives, people can say with confidence, that I handle my situations to best interest of myself and those around me. 

When something or someONE comes against you in any way, shape or form, are you going to cower and cry and let it make you feel defeated. Or will you greet the situation with a smile and a chuckle, because you see it as another opportunity to grow as a person. Are you going to find humor in the areas of struggle and look forward to the positive outcome because you KNOW you will overcome, or will you let the negative of the situation define you?

Have you ever seen a driver on the road just completely outraged, maybe for no valid reason? What do you do?  Get outraged back? NO! What reaction can you have that will stop them in their tracks?? LAUGH!!! When there is confrontation and someone starts laughing, there is nothing else to argue about. Overt further hostility by laughing.  When that next bill comes in the mail and the checking account is empty, has sobbing about it ever made the money show up to pay it? NO!  So why not laugh through IT ALL!!! At least we will have joy in the midst of our battles.

Turn that frown upside down!!!!......HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

And .... "HA HA HA HA HAHA"