
Pan-Mass Challenge to Benefit Cancer Research @ The Dana Farber Cancer Institute

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Good Evening,

For the second straight year I am proud to announce that my company is again fielding 10 participants to ride as "Team Partners" this year at the annual Pan-Mass challenge.  The Pan-Mass Challenge or "PMC" is a terrific event that raises money for cancer research at the world reknowned Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. This year they expect to raise at least $27,000,000 million!

The PMC Mission 

The Pan-Massachusetts Challenge raises money for life-saving cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through its Jimmy Fund. The centerpiece of our fundraising effort is an annual bike-a-thon that crosses the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Committed cyclists and volunteers as well as corporate sponsors and individual contributors are essential to the PMC meeting its goals.Since its founding in 1980, the PMC has been successful in mobilizing increased support from all these constituencies. We strive to inspire even more proponents of our cause in order to raise more money and afford Dana-Farber's doctors and researchers the necessary resources to discover cures for all cancers.



For More information on this great event or to donate to Team Partners please visit us on the web @

Best Regards,

Michael Savas