In this issue: VIDEO: Realogy CEO Talks About Jump-Starting the Housing Market
Realogy CEO Richard A. Smith was a featured speaker at the prestigious Milken Institute 2009 Global Conference on April 28 as part of a lively panel titled -Jump-Starting the Housing Market.‖ During the hour-long panel discussion, Smith stated that while the Obama administration has focused on the foreclosure issue, the solution to the problem is on the demand side. Smith demonstrated Realogy's thought leadership by explaining how the government could take stronger action by lowering mortgage interest and expanding tax credits from first-time buyers to all homebuyers. Both of those actions would spur home sales activity and thus create a positive overall impact on the economy. The panel was moderated by Fox Business News anchor Brian Sullivan. Follow this link to the Milken Institute site and click -play‖ to watch the complete panel discussion.
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