This past week I had the priviledge to preview the moving documentary film called American Casino. This documentary "personalizes" the mortgage crisis and brings to light how the crisis has affected so many people. The producers began with an overview of what the crisis was/is and then brings it down to the individual level; they interviewed several people from Baltimore that were in the throws of foreclosure.
The film moved me in several different ways...from sympathy, to empathy, to anger, to bewilderment. The trailer for this film can be viewed at: I urge all to view this trailer and ultimately the film as is sheds light on the sub prime mess and basically draws conclusions on the persons responsible. I especially urge my fellow REALTORS to view this and understand the sub prime debacle and the origins of this mess. I think that although we (REALTORS) were not directly involved, we do bare some responsibilty for allowing our clients to get loans that placed them in a position of being "over their heads". More to come...