Home, yard and appliance maintenance are a never ending project; there is always something that requires a homeowner's attention. Whether for looks, durability, safety or efficiency, all home maintenance is essential to keep things in working order.
The most common appliance maintenance issue often overlooked by homeowners is the clothes dryer. Most people are unaware that the clothes dryer is one of the most likely appliances to cause a fire if not properly maintained.
Unless you're one of the unfortunate people who have experienced a dryer fire you probably haven't given it much thought. Over 15,000 clothes dryer fires are reported annually; most of them could have been prevented with proper dryer vent cleaning and maintenance.
Your dryer duct system removes the moisture, heat and lint from your laundry as it dries. If you have a gas dryer, it also removes gas by-products that you don't want venting into your home as they pose a carbon monoxide risk.
Approximately 60% of the lint is caught in the lint screen that should be cleaned after each load of laundry. The other 40% escapes into your dryer duct system where it builds up and eventually obstructs airflow required by your clothes dryer.
Sticky, moist lint attracts more lint. It can build up quite quickly. Lint is combustible; a dryer fire will spread very quickly. A professional dryer vent cleaning specialist can inspect your system to be sure it meets today's safety codes. Not only is dryer vent cleaning essential; proper installation, using the right materials is important to ensure safety.
This article was written by Carl Hein, owner of Dryer Vent Wizard of St. Paul, Minnesota. DVW specializes in dryer vent cleaning, repair, installation and alterations, while educating consumers on dryer vent maintenance and fire safety. Carl services the Twin City Area of Minnesota. For more tips on dryer fire prevention or to order dryer vent cleaning service or inspection, go to http://dryerventcleaningminneapolis.blogspot.com/