Well for all those that have been following my stories on Abbie we actually managed to save her. For those that don't know, I am a new RE Agent that was deployed to Iraq as soon as I got my lecense. I had been asked by multiple members of my AR family to post my experiences on here, you can view my previous blogs to see what has happened so far. For the dog lovers is my recent story on a "force protection" dog that we received from the British army. She is about 9 month old now and we have been desperatly trying to find a way to get her to the states. However after about a month and a half we started getting resistance from my chain of command and was recently told to "get rid of her". You ca read the rest of these stories in my other posts.
Well for the rest of you that have been tracking the story I have some really good news and some bad news. The really good news is that we found a way to save her. Things were coming down to the wire and it was looking like we was going to have to put her down. In the last post I explained why this was the probable option. Anyway was it got close to time we all pulled our heads together asn was able to find her a good home.
We found a small unit of Navy Seebee's who had their own camp within this camp. Their camp is fully inclosed with a single gate that is guarded 24-7. They actually knew of Abbie becuase it is the same camp that the Brit's had her on before they left. The SeeBee's were extatic to get to have her on the camp. The big bonus is that she is able to run freely on the small camp and will not be caged up 24-7. Plus I believe the people there will take better care of her than what she received here.
The bad news is that she still will not be coming home with me (or any of us). We are hoping that the SeeBee's will contine the work that we have started on getting her back to the states and to a good home.
Good Luck Abbie