Below are the current statistics for properties in the Santa Clarita Valley area, including Castaic, Canyon Country, Newhall, Saugus, Stevenson Ranch and Valencia.
Current Number of Total Available (Active) Listings: 722
Average # of Days on Market: 103
Current Number Listed with a "Special Condition" (REO/Lender Owned, Short Sale, Notice of Default, Auction, HUD/Govt Owned, Bankruptcy, Probate, Reclocation Company Owned, etc.): 396
New Listings taken in last 30 days: 233
Currently in Escrow: 958
Total Number of Closed Listings in last 30 days: 280
Average # of Days on Market: 59
Average Sales Price/Listing Price: 99%
Average Property: 3.3 bedrooms, 2.75 baths, 1858 sq ft, Listed at $372,019 and sold at $367,431
Closed Listings in last 30 days with a "Special Condition" (REO/Lender Owned, Short Sale, Notice of Default, Auction, HUD/Govt Owned, Bankruptcy, Probate, Reclocation Company Owned, etc.): 167
*Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
As a Realtor® with Intero Real Estate, I continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep my clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.
Please contact me:
If you are looking to buy, sell or lease your home in the Santa Clarita or San Fernando valleys.
If you are looking to buy, sell or lease your home outside of my areas of service. I can put you in touch with the best Realtor® in your area.
If you have any Real Estate questions I can help you answer.
I look forward to speaking with you!
Ravinder Pilson, Realtor®
818.645.7912 Mobile