I see that ActiveRain is becoming much more than a place for real estate professionals to gather to discuss the industry, since I received the following email today:
Message details:
From: lizy oti
Email: lizy20094u@yahoo.com
Subject: Hello (Sent via Activerain)
My name is Miss Lizy, and I saw your profile today at (activerain.com) and i become interested in you, Please My Dear I will like you to contact me back as soon as possible through my email address(lizy20094u@yahoo.com) so that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am, I believe we can move from here. Please Remember colour or distance does not matter, but Love matters allot in life. Reply me back on time,
From Lizy
Needless to say, I was very flattered that Miss Lizy chose me, out of all the guys on the Internet, to meet with and form what could be a meaningful lifelong relationship. Alas, it was not to be. My response:
"Miss Lizy,
I am terribly flattered by your offer to send pictures of yourself, especially since I still have not gotten around to posting mine on Activerain. I must tell you that it is refreshing to meet someone who is not hung up on looks, or, as you said, "colour or distance". You are correct that Love matters allot in life, although I think the Beatles said it better with "all you need is love, love, love is all you need."
However, dear Lizy, while I do not want to hurt your feelings after you made this courageous effort to approach me, I am afraid I must reject your offer for several reasons, including:
1. My wife would probably not appreciate it (this is a big one).
2. As an appraiser who must occasionally spell out basic concepts to underwriters so that a 3rd grader could understand them, I find your grasp of the English language and standard grammar concepts somewhat lacking, and that would just annoy me after awhile.
3. Due to recent changes in the way appraisals are ordered (see related posts regarding the HVCC), my business has dropped off a good bit and I don't think there is enough money left in my bank account to be worth scamming me out of, thereby making me substantially less attractive to you.
Therefore, I hope you can understand that this would never work out, and it is best to just let this beautiful moment pass by and live in our memories. I wish you the best of luck in your search for that love of your life."
Guys, she sounds like a keeper, so if you're single...
PS -- I did not actually respond, so don't feel the need to let me know that this was just an email scam. I am aware of it!