
Graduation speech from High School.

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Sometimes, as Christians we get stuck in this mindset- The mindset that we need to obey what God's Word tells us so to the world we appear to be followers of Christ. This, my friends and fellow classmates, is the wrong reason. In the past few years I've found myself slowly falling into this same category. I obeyed because I wanted my teachers, mentors, pastors, friends and peers all to view me as a good Christian. I rarely ever considered why I needed to obey past the superficial aspect of merely carrying the Christian title. When we get to heaven, God isn't going to ask our 10th grade English teacher if she thought we were saved or not. He will look directly at our hearts and although it may seem terrifying, he will look at the motives of our "Christian" actions as well. Next year, most of us are not going to be surrounded by people sharing our same values and beliefs. There no longer will be anyone we need to try and convince that we are godly men and women. It's just you and God now. This is when all we've learned here at Seattle Christian needs to become real. It needs to become our own. Next year, instead of trying to build us up, some of our professors will make it their mission to undermine everything we've been taught about the Christian faith. They will be rooting for us to fail. Not academically but spiritually. It's so easy to get stuck in a routine of obedience when we are surrounded by fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, but what happens when we're popped out of this mold? Will we keep our shape or slowly conform to our new environment? Obedience needs to come out of our love for Christ. Its motivation should not reside in appearance alone. If this is why you follow His Word, I'll tell you right now, next year you will fail spiritually. However, if you take the time to make Him your best friend, your stronghold, your guide, then your relationship will become so much more real, and obeying Him will overflow from your desire to please Him. As we embark on this new and exciting adventure, I challenge you, Class of 2009, to make God your own and remember why we are called to obedience: as a sign of our love for our Savior, Jesus Christ

My daughter  wrote this speech to read to her graduating class of 2009.

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Hugh Krone
Weichert Referral Associates - Hamburg, NJ
Realtor, Sussex County NJ


I am going to feature this in Walking Bt Faith in the Rain, you are truly blessed to have a daughter that "get's it".

Jun 18, 2009 12:07 PM
Rick Huffman
Mortgage Banker - Kent, WA

Hugh, thank you for your comment. She is a very gifted kid. God has truly blessed us. I will look forward to seeing it featured.

Jun 18, 2009 01:03 PM
tom guthrie

Rick I have just joined AR and this group, I want to say that I  have just heard from my son[ age 42] and he says Dad I finally get it . You know its great to have a  baby but its much more meaningful  when they are adults IN THE LORD and not infants any longer. Its more fun having someone to share with as an adult christian than a young baby changing diapers ect. Sounds to me as if you have an adult daughter in the Lord some one you can actually fellowship with. OUR AGE does not determine whether we are adult or babys in the Lord! Don't take me wrong its great to even deal with little ones but the word says to edify one another daily and that usually takes some one that has something to say, [ if any man speaks let him speak the oricles of God] Paul said in one spot that he went to the pillars of the church, and then said whether they are pillars or not I know not they added nothing to me. I think your daughter has much to add to us all tell her God Bless, Tom

Jul 31, 2009 04:34 PM
Rick Huffman

From one Rick Huffman to another, I have enjoyed reading your blog entires. You truly are blessed of God to have a child with such insight. Her life will be much easier and her path through it much more enjoyable having learned to put God first. It is an inspiration to me to hear such words of wisdom from a young person this day and age. Be blessed and be well.

Jun 15, 2011 08:55 AM