
Home Builder Photo Galleries - Examples (5 of 5)

Services for Real Estate Pros with Referral Builder LLC dba URBaCS

This is the last post in a five post series about homebuilder online photo galleries. So far we've discussed the importance of online photo galleries, ways to build a good photo gallery, some simple ways to search optimize your photos so they can be found, and we have taken you outside your comfort zone by encouraging you to post more pictures than you may be comfortable putting online. In this post we'd like to show you a few good examples of builder photo galleries from around the web.

The majority of your customers will visit your website before they visit your model home. More and more of your customers are engaging in social media every day. And more of these users are taking and uploading photos (more than 1 billion are uploaded every month between Flickr and Facebook alone).

What does it all mean?

It means that we need to take advantage of every opportunity available to us to get our message in front of the buying public. A well optimized photo gallery is... Read full article

Julie Chapman
Julie Chapman Broker - Ormond Beach, FL
Daytona Beach Shores, Florida


This is an exceptional post.  I will not share how long I have been marketing for builders due to shame of not thinking of it personally.  Thank you. 

Featured in New Home Sales and bookmarked by me.

Jul 05, 2009 02:20 AM