
What else do you do to market a property?

Real Estate Agent with Realty USA - Amherst/Clarence

I have been working hard to sell a nice house in Clarence New York.  It shows well, has a nice floor plan, but it has not sold yet, (my guess is because it is on the bike path) and it needs some updates.  We have reduced the price, held open houses, sent out postcards, told numerous other agents, put it on line on quite a few websites, advertised it in the paper and real estate magazines.  And of course it is listed on the MLS. 

I am running out of ideas.  

Besides lowering the price is there anything else I can do?

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Louisa Kastendick
Prudential Americana Group, Realtors - Henderson, NV

send your clients thephoto report or virtual tour link to their email, get them to email everyone in their contacts list and ask them to get their friends to do the same, it's amazing how many people know someone that wants to buy a house. 

 Failing that hold a barbeque and invite past clients, friends and relatives to come see the house, hopefully someone can think of someone that would like the house.  Also if doing the barbeque idea have postcards with the house photo on the front made up for invitees to send to peole they think might be interested have a basket set out that you collect them in and YOU mail them.

 Hope the ideas help and keep me posted.

May 31, 2007 09:31 AM
Karen Dembsky
Peachtree Home Staging LLC, Home Staging in Atlanta, GA - Peachtree City, GA
Atlanta Home Staging

Hi Mary -- I am a Realtor in Georgia, but I also have a Home Staging Business.  I might do you well to have a home stager come in for a consultation if you haven't done so already.  It would cost a lot less than a price reduction -- it really makes a huge difference and it let's the stager be the bad guy as far as pointing out the things that need to be changed to sell the house.  A good home stager knows how to diplomatically address all those issues and motivate your seller to get stuff done.  Plus you'll end up with great "after" photos for the Web and brochures. 

Hope this helps!



May 31, 2007 09:32 AM
Julie Dana
The Home Stylist - Buffalo, NY
ASP, Staging for Buffalo, NY area

Hi Mary

I am your friendly neighborhood home stager at your service. I would love to see what I can do for you.

Julie Dana


Jun 07, 2007 02:10 PM
"Tommy" Decebal
HomeSpector Inc. 516-851-5833 - Farmingdale, NY
Adamescu Long Island NY MASTER Home Inspector

Wish you a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a great year in 2008.

Tommy   New York Certified Home Inspector Long Island NY Nassau/Suffolk Home Inspections

Dec 24, 2007 05:57 PM
Mary Buchner
Realty USA - Amherst/Clarence - Buffalo, NY
Amherst NY Real Estate, Relocation and Buffalo Homes for sale
Thank you too all the great ideas.  I especially like the one about sending the email to all my clients and asking them if they know someone.  The barbeque is also a great idea.  Thankfully the home sold!!!
Jan 14, 2008 12:59 PM