Denver’s new Zoning Code is currently in the community feedback phase.
The new code has been in the works for several years, and Denver’s Zoning Code Task Force and the Community Planning and Development group are currently seeking public input. There have been several community meetings to review the code in specific neighborhoods, and you still have the opportunity to attend any of the remaining meetings.
The changes to the code will be quite drastic in some instances. Currently in Denver, we have R1 (single family), R2 (duplex or carriage house), R3 (multi-family) as our primary residential zoning designations.
If you are thinking about buying a property that is currently zoned R2 because you would like to build a duplex there or have your mother-in-law move into a new carriage house above the garage - beware! Your property could potentially be “down zoned” to single family after the code changes in the fall.
Become informed about the city’s zoning changes if you live in the city, or if you’re considering purchasing a property here. You’ll want to know how the new transit area zoning might affect your property, what zoning could allow next door or across the street, and what the planning committee means by “areas of stability.”
Highest and best use might not be as high for some properties after the zoning code is changed. Other properties may benefit from a “better” zoning designation, increasing their highest and best use.
The web site for more information is I plan on attending a meeting next week, and I’ll post more information then.
First published at LifeStyleDenver.