It seems no matter how things are going in the market, you always need a little downtime to recharge your battery. I know from first hand experience. When starting my business like so many other agents and stagers, I worked myself to death. For the first almost two years, I worked 7 days a week with an average day lasting 12 hours. I was staging projects until 2 am and not sleeping. To all newbies.. I do not recommend this. I ran my body down so low that I ended up in an emergency room. Getting pumped full of fluids and sleeping pills and told to take some time off. Who would set the houses? Answer the phone? Pay the bills? I guess at that point you need to stop and reflect on life. No matter how much you love your job, listen to your body and take care of it. BTW: The bright light is actually the sun.....
The photo below is of my little weekend getaway. I try to go up on most weekends and work on projects. No cell phones, no tv. Just a river, friends, great food and cocktails. SLOW DOWN AND ENJOY LIFE.