Well, we have finally reached the half way point. My unit was mobilized at the end of December, got to Iraq in the beginning of Feburary and we are now half way done! I guess looking back the time is kinda flying by. While each day seems to take forever I believe the past six months has flown by. I think it has helped that most of us find something in the near future to look forward to.
For most it is that beloved Sunday that we get most of the day off. Alot of units do not get that luxury but we managed to get "Mountain Time", named after the 10th MTN Division that started the Sunday break. It is the one day a week we are allowed to sleep in, take most of the day for ourself, we only have to report at 6:00PM to ensure that we did not miss anything important. Every week it seems the same, everyday feels like it is no closer to the next Sunday, however once Sunday hits it seems like it was yesterday when we had the last one. Funny how that works.
For me I think it is the care packages and online orders. To be honest I don't really need the care packages. Every once in a while there is something I am really looking forward to, like the one coming from my wife right now which has a digital photo frame so that I can put 500 pictures of her and us on my desk. I also have an order from a store coming with some games on it to help pass what little bit of down time I get. On average it takes about 10-14 days to get a package, and I try to space them all out so that I am always waiting on one. This is my near future goal that helps me pass a week or two at a time.
Right now its in the countdown stage. First I am counting down to leave. I scheduled my leave for late September. I wanted to take leave at the last possible moment during the deployment. I did this because the last time I was over here I remember that I was fine until I took leave. Then once I got to visit home for a few weeks when I came back I was not worth anything. All I could think about was getting back home. I wanted to put this off until last moment so that I would reduce my "worthless" time. I scheduled this at the last moment so that when I come back from leave I only have two things to worry about; packing up, and training my replacement.
And of couse I am counting down to time for "re-deployment" (thats when we come back home). I have total about eleven weeks until I get to come home on leave. I have about 20 weeks until my replacements come. I have about 23 weeks until I leave Iraq. And i have about 25 weeks until I am back home at what we all like to call Fort Livingroom.
Thank you all for listening; oh and if you have not checked it out yet I am still excited about my new website. Let me know what you think. www.HomeSalesEastTN.com
Thanks again,
Nicholas S. Bush
Total Auction and Realty