Since everybody else seems to be posting their pups today, I couldn't resist. :) Here's Little Miss Trinity out on my mom's porch last summer.
Miss trinity is a nice looking pooch. I ought to introduce her to my good friend's dog buck who I just did a Wordless Wednesday on today. Thanks for sharing the Miss Trinity pic. Great post.
Thanks everybody. I'm sure she was really happy that day considering mom always gives her a ton of T-R-E-A-T-S (gotta spell it out or she might hear me) when she sees her, even though she's supposed to be watching her figure, Trinity that is...
Chanda, I did my first Wordless Wednesday this am with pictures of mine too! Didn't know everyone did.
Howdy there Chanda
Miss. Trinity, sure is a mighty real fine looken puppy dog.
Thank you kindly for letten us meet her.
There you go, Chanda! She obviously likes to smile to camera. Did you teach her that?:)
Oh Chanda you got one fugly looking dog. That dogs eyes are so far apart she can watch both sides of the street at once. That dog makes fish jealous. If I had a dog looked like that I would shave her butt and teach her to walk backwards, lol.
Okay, I am all out of dog jokes. Have a great week both you and the lil gremlin.
I'm glad to see most of you think she is a cutie pie! Thanks for the comments everyone!