I just received a call from my mom saying Michael Jackson just died...It's all over the news channels...Apparently he had been rushed to the hospital earlier today due to cardiac arrest. What ever happened he didn't survive... Strangely enough, I'm sure this doesn't effect as many people quite the same as it would have if he'd passed away in his "hey day". I remember being a kid and obsessing over Michael. I had the thriller jacket, the glove and tons of Michael Jackson posters. It was always a treat to get to see his videos because I didn't have cable so it was a rare occasion when I could see them. I remember being scared the first couple times watching the thriller movie/video but also being intrigued....You know how you cover your eyes, but you still feel compelled to peak through your fingers... I loved when Vincent Price had his dialog on the song and we all know we did the thriller dance at some point in time, not to mention the moon walk, or at least tried to. :) I couldn't embed the video here, but here's one of my favorites: Thriller It's unfortunate that Michael ended up being as "unusual" as he was, but I guess that's part of what makes him an Icon, not to mention how awesome he was in the 80s. We also lost Farrah today, and I believe Ed McMahon yesterday. May they all rest in peace.First of all, I don't usually blog about just anything...meaning things completely unrelated to real estate, but this really comes as a surprise to me so I felt like blogging about it...
The stars are falling. I subscribe to New York Times Breaking News Alert Emails and received the news throughout the day. Really makes you appreciate each day when two relatively young performers die within hour of each other.
Chandra, Farrah was such a generous and courageous woman. I remember watching "night tracks" (pre MTV) and MJ was one of the very few video artists brodcasted. And Ed, no one will forget "here'ssssssssssssssssssssssss Johnny"! RIP. Marti
Quite a loss to the entertainment industry this week. I am still feeling shocked.
Aren't celebrity deaths supposed to come in threes? Not sure who said that or whether it's true. Michael Jackson lost me long ago with his pedophilia.
That's what the saying is, actually I thought it was any death (celebrity or non). That's what my mom was talking about before I reminded her that Ed passed away.
It's definitely been a sad week Chanda. Thankfully we have the CD's to replay!