The Value of "FREE" -vs- The Perception of "Price"
They say that there are no "Free" lunches, and that nothing in this world is FREE. We once had a neighbor who put his couch out on the sidewalk in front of his house, then placed a sign on it that read "FREE!" It was a really nice couch with great upholstery and no stains or damage. The neighbor simply purchased some newer furniture and didn't have room for that particular piece.
Well that couch sat there for three days, and no one took it. IT WAS FREE! After 3 days, he was going to haul it off to a goodwill store and donate it when he decided to test his theory of the value of FREE vs the perception of price, so he placed a sign on the couch this time that read "For Sale" $100.00. That night, the couch was gone. Yep, someone stole it right out of his driveway. Can you imagine?
What made the difference? Was it the perceived value of 100.00, or was it that people truly believe there is no value in things that are FREE? Something must be wrong with it if it's FREE right?
REALTORS in CT, DC, MA, MD, NJ, NY, PA & VA - Win a free landscape makeover!
Bob Stewart sent me a link to a post last week about getting a FREE Landscape done for your clients valued at $2500.00. Is it really free? It's worth 2500.00 dollars so how can it be FREE? Here's the catch. You can steal this one by simply sending in a photo as explained in this post by Kristen. There's been a few responses, but nothing like what we would have expected.
So we're removing the FREE sign and seeing if anyone will steal this opportunity by us placing a $2500.00 dollar price tag on it. Snap those photos and send em in, it doesn't get much easier than that. It's not too good to be true, maybe it's just too true to be good?!?
Deadline for submission is July 8, 2009 - The winner will be notified by July 29, 2009