This blog was posted my Deb Waters some time ago @ Energized Seller. I thought it was great to re-post as I have experienced the same thing recently. We all know every home is unique and getting them into saleable condition requires creative critical thinking skills, planning, organizing and lots of hard work. We all have our place in the R.E. & Design World but the lines often get blurred at to what you can do vs. what you are trained to do and what your career focus is.
"Today I received a call from a seller who wanted to cancel his staging consultation because his new realtor told him that she is a full service realtor and provides staging for free. After waiting a few minutes to calm down, I began to ask some very important questions regarding the actual work that the Realtor stager would do for "free". When we were finished with our conversation, he understood the difference between the work that a professional stager does to prepare a home for sale (average time is 6 hours) and what a Realtor may do in an hour. This conversation has propelled me to share some of the myths of Home Staging with my bloggers."
Myth 1: All I Need are Lights, Flowers and Music....
Fact: Lights, flowers and music are great for Showing a house, but that is not Staging. Staging requires an objective and professional assessment of a house's strengths and challenge areas, and solutions to help Buyers fall in love with what they see. This requires more than just flowers and music to achieve - it requires an Action Plan (a detailed consultation report) which lists recommended improvements to be made before the house is listed. Once the list is developed... now it's time for Action. Removing clutter, moving furniture, rehanging artwork and placing stylish accessories in the rooms until the entire house looks like a model home.
Myth 2: I can Just Watch HGTV ....
Fact: The shows on HGTV and similar channels give Sellers the education that staging is one of most important aspect of selling a home for top dollar. However, Sellers cannot truly be objective in a house they have been living in and need a professional, experienced and independent opinion to get it properly staged and sold. Professional stagers stage the house through the eyes of the Buyers. Stagers have the experience and the ideas to creatively use what the homeowners already have in a new, innovative way.
Myth 3: Staging Costs Too Much ...
Fact: Staging is an INVESTMENT in getting a house sold and the investment in Staging is always less than a price reduction. A Professional Stager has been trained to work with a Sellers' budget and time frame to properly stage a house. We like to ask our clients, "Can you afford NOT to Stage?" When compared with the other costs associated with the sale or purchase of a home, Staging is very reasonable. The cost of the consultation report detailing what needs to be done to Stage the house for sale is less than the appraisal or home inspection report.
Myth 4: Staging is Decorating ...
Fact: Staging is just the opposite of decorating. Decorating or design is personalizing your home to your specific, unique style. Staging is Depersonalizing and preparing a house for the un-known Buyer with various styles. Staging neutralizes the space with wall colors, furniture and accessories that fit into any style.